Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Cukup SMS ke 4444, Pendaftaran Kartu Prabayar - 16/12/2005, 09:36 WIB - KOMPAS Cyber Media

di sini disebutkan:
"Basuki menegaskan, data-data pelanggan prabayar dilindungi. "Kita akan menjaga agar individu yang sudah tertib ini terlindungi," katanya. Namun, informasi soal identitas bisa diberikan kepada penegak hukum yang sedang melakukan penyelidikan kasus kejahatan."
Satu, kalimat kedua berarti datanya dilindungi sepanjang penegak hukum tidak menginginkannya.
Di sini disebutkan:
"Tapi semua operator melakukan, karena tidak akan merugikan mereka, bahkan menguntungkan dalam jangka panjang karena mereka akan mengetahui siapa pelanggan mereka, untuk menerapkan strategi marketing dan servis yang lebih bagus."
Jadi sebenarnya, data itu memang akan dipakai kok. Nggak masalah, toh ini bukan kali pertama. Mending nggak usah ngomong. Kasihan, ketahuan gini.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Politics Explained

Wonderful way to explain politics. Simple, I believe many out there would disagree, but entertaining

Monday, December 12, 2005

The Effects Of Cannabis On A Web-Based Lifestyle

Laba-laba ini dikenakan beberapa zat tertentu. LSD tidak begitu berpengaruh pada laba-laba ini dibandingkan dengan.. kafein.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

An Essay by Einstein -- The World As I See It

Situs ini menunjukkan essay dari Einstein. Sekilas aku melihatnya sebagai ungkapan kesedihan dan kekecewaannya.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Perubahan emosi

Emosiku terbawa sangat jauh dalam rentang lima menit ini. Mungkin karena dari tadi siang aku ditemani oleh Ravi Shankar, soundtrack film yang "serius", dan malam ini aku mulai merubah ke The Corrs. Aku hanya mendengar "Summer Sunshine" dan "Would You Be Happier?" Hal tersebut mengganggu pikiranku belakangan ini: Apakah kita yang merubah lingkungan sekitar kita untuk disesuaikan dengan keadaan emosi kita atau kita merubah emosi kita (lepas dari keadaan kesadaran kita, sub sadar ataupun tidak sadar) dengan mengatur lingkungan sekitar kita? Aku pernah mendengar pendapat yang mengatakan kalau hal itu adalah suatu siklus, di mana kita menyesuaikan sekitar kita terhadap emosi kita, dan kita menyesuaikan emosi kita terhadap lingkungan sekitar kita. Mungkin aku kurang mengerti konsep dari kalimat itu, karena kalau memang seperti itu, berarti hanya ada dua emosi, yaitu emosi positif yang sangat kuat (karena diperkuat oleh siklus yang terus-menerus ke arah emosi yang posifit) dan emosi negatif yang sangat kuat.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Open Mind Common Sense Information

Open Mind Common Sense Information is a project that dedicates itself to teaching computers. I can't image the network they're trying to make.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Stanford team wins robot race - Innovation - MSNBC.com

Failed to get the country back up again due to katrina hit and oil price, some decided to spend $ 2 million of tax money on.. robot guided vehicle. The point? Making war "safe" for human. Now THAT is news.
Luckily enough, we would discard that sort of leader in our country, be it that our country is not well-developed yet.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Technology, Technology news, Times Online

Google dikatakan akan bekerjasama dengan Sun untuk mengimplementasikan salah satunya thin client. Menurutku Google mengambil resiko dengan meletakkan diri mereka berseberangan dengan Microsoft. Tapi aku tidak sabar untuk melihat "perang" ini.

Etext Center: Collections

Another choice for free ebooks. Never thought that I would find it in UV's site.

Index of /

Sebuah surat terbuka untuk AA Gym membawa ke situs ini. Anehnya, situs ini seperti sudah compromised. Semoga bukan karena surat tersebut.
Aku tidak punya penilaian apa-apa terhadap surat tersebut, tapi aku ingin tahu apa pendapat AA mengenai surat tersebut.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

You would never know

I was searching for something from an acquaintance. She sniffed I was sneaking something. That was months ago. Today, that thought bothered me. Today I claim my truth.
I was seeking for a remedy to forgive myself. But being caught in suspicion, she didn't ask. Clogged by agitation, I didnt' explain myself. I was tired of our kind of friendship, a fake one. Today I clean my sheet and forgave myself, I can only hope she can live in peace. I'm afraid even her friends can't pull her out of her misery.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Clinical Depression Learning Path

Situs ini bukan hanya untuk yang terbukti depresi secara klinis. Aku mendapatkan pelajaran dari situs ini.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

feeling low

Tried to follow the feeling of depression i had today, only to find it dissapeared when I tried to trace it. Concluded that it was just chemical imbalance.
Looking it up right now.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


It's easy to tell whether you have a sun in your life. Your day starts with it.

Friday, August 26, 2005

all at sea

Cullum's "All at sea", and "Twenty Something" remind me of a friend, and how I think he runs his life. We used to hang out a lot, but I'm confident that he keeps his thought to himself. I hope he's okay.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Dunia menurut Microsoft

Menurut microsoft seperti inilah dunia, terserah apapun realitasnya, atau bagaimana orang melihatnya. Rasanya ini bukan sesuatu yang baru, dan sepertinya Microsoft melambangkan suatu negara di saat ketidakpeduliannya. Tidak perlu Amerika atau Inggris, saya rasa tiap kurun selalu ada yang seperti itu. Inilah saya, terserah kamu. Dan isi dunia hanya mendengarkan (terjemahan bebas: tidak bisa protes).

Menggunakan hasil dari fungsi search

Yahoo! menunjukkan bagaimana fungsi search itu digunakan. Lebih mengerikan dari sekedar memberikan sensasi, halaman ini bahkan melaporan pada anda bagaimana manusia dikumpulkan dan dihela ke arah yang diinginkan. Mau tau berita minggu ini? Semua orang ke sana. Tau siapa ini? Semua orang ke sana. Interesting.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Economic Hitmen - Pith Records

Economic Hitmen - Pith Records Interesting story of economic hit men.

lawrie malen // how jedi are you? you are THE CHOSEN ONE

lawrie malen // how jedi are you? you are THE CHOSEN ONE

how jedi are you?
:: by lawrie malen I am the CHOSEN ONE

Security in Win xp

This article explains that it takes 12 minutes for win xp to get infected. Mengagetkan sekali berita ini, karena seolah-olah terdengar berlebihan. Tapi mereka memang bergerak di bidang sekuriti, jadi mereka tentunya lebih mengerti daripada aku ;)


Originally uploaded by teddy budiwan.
You might notice the face she's trying to make. It's our famous bloating nose stance.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Bukittinggi.. My place is between the two very different mountain.
Posted by Picasa

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Towards my..
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A lot closer..
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I am zooming..
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Looking at that crack near Bandung, it's not a surprise should there be any earthquake there.
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A closer look at monaws
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These are the sets of picture I created from playing around with Google Earth.
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This is a picture of my hometown. Listening to "Ku kan menanti" from Andien made me miss it. For better or for worse, it was my friend, the city.
Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Fixing my point of view

Consulting with a dear old friend, I quickly realized that I tend to alter my self-perception towards negatives. Always positive and insightful encounter with an old friend.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Batman vs. Superman

This is interesting. Some opinion on why should they fight each other. More drama in it than just kicking supervillains.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Small brush I found

There's always something more that can be done with invention likethis.

Monday, June 13, 2005

A must be invented

The followings are the inventions that I think Jakartans are craving for:
1. Portable uriner, for boys and girls. All these hours at traffic in cars, we really can't afford the mess that bikes are contributing to our hair and outfits. So we are stuck in our own or someone else's car. There should be no excuse holding our bladder and risking potential illnesses, the natural call should be answered as quickly as possible.
2. Inflatable people. Great for 3-in-1 spots. 1 press of a button and.. there's your mother in law. Great for tension release also, if you don't like your boss so much.
3. Portable closet, for keeping belongings organized.
4. Astronaut food, complete with express tooth brush and quicky bath, all available while you're driving.
5. My best thought yet, slingshots for public transportation. Just enjoy the unpolluted air 1-2km above Jakarta, the cool breeze, and you'll be where you need to be in no time. But seriously, somebody should be thinking of cheap and mass air taxi by now. It's too much hassle already. Can't we all just stay at home and get things done there, instead of taking 4-6 hours of our lifes everyday consuming the conditioned air provided by the great internal combustion engines?

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Courage in marriage

Many of my friends were awed when they found out I was married for two years. Knowing me, marriage is probably the last association they would make, so getting married really early compared to the guys at my year really was a time stopper.
I don't mind, I really don't. Knowing myself, it still is hard to believe. Still, I didn't make the decision unconsciously, or being held at gun point. It was sound and firm, moreover it was my decision.
That said, being married takes a lot of effort. You take away your usual getting used to, the thought that you have a life partner sometimes caught me gasping for air. Did I miss something? I have this incredible will power to withold any situation so far when I want to pull my hair off, take a deep breath and feel sorry for the person on the other side, my wife. We often discuss of how being married is not about getting the right person but how much the willingness to hold on is, as well as the effort to resolve any conflicts.
More times I found myself looking at my hands, asking myself how did I get these "powers"? How did I become this person with such intense love toward a person greater than to myself? How did I resolve myself to blend in with her amazing and wonderful family?
I still have the usual time of fights, wanting things my way and this-is-my-stuff-so-get-your-hands-off, acting like a kid I am, but when the time comes, I am.. a husband, and sometimes.. an uncle.
I've prepared myself with six years of psychology and I still can't explain myself.
..cept 'course, I got hit really hard in the head while I was asleep and had my personality added or altered :)
Marriage life is definately not for everybody, but it's certainly for me.

Google is using Microsoft's strategy

Interesting perception. I don't think it's something to blame them about, there is a general perception about where computing experience is going to direct itself to. There is rss, podcast, wiki and blog. The experience should be personalized in terms that you have the information that you inquire specifically, while at the same time you extend some experience worldwide and engaging in cooperation. The internet is the only human resource that works for 24 hours a day.
some links to consider :

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Malas Pangkal Kaya

Sewaktu mencari program ekstensi untuk adikku, aku menemukan link ini. Funny point of view.

Epidemy, friends and family

I saw her blog today, and I'm more convinced that this is the communication that we are facing today. Podcast and blogs. Essy was my highschool buddy, she made my last highschool year sane and more bearable.
The first month holding a 24 hour internet connection never was as I thought it would be. I'm craving for something other than what the Internet connection has to offer, I was thinking of something else. Sure, upcoming exams probably have something to do with it, but I was more philosophical that I'd like to be. I was thinking of some friends that are in terrible emotions, and some family member also.
My AFS family dropped me a letter. It was, when I least expected. Splendid surprise, I was terrible at picking up where we left off. I'm hoping they could gather some more information of my conditions through my blog, so I decided to turn my blogs to English. Two more Indonesian blog reduced. I'll still put some post in Indonesians, I think, some things are funnier told in Indonesian, as some are in English.

Yahoo! Help - Intellisync

Just finishing calender sharing setup on our yahoo! account when my brother and I stumble upon Yahoo! Help - Intellisync. It also synchronize the notes as well as calender and contacts.

Konsultan Pendidikan Tinggi (KPT)

All this time I was looking for scholarships, I didnt find this site. Oddly enough, I found it through my own add on my blog

Friday, June 03, 2005

Top 100 Speeches by Rank

These speeches could shower you with inspirations. Off course, the "I have a dream" speech was rated number one. Check out the Top 100 Speeches by Rank

Baru sekali ngeliat google error. Hihihi.. Lucu

Digital Restriction Management

Dengan membatasi hak membaca pada satu alat terhadap satu media, kita akan dileklilingi dengan hak guna yang harus diperbaharui terus menerus untuk tetap dibaca. Yang membuatku kesal adalah tidak ada peningkatan teknologi yang ditawarkan oleh jenis pengaturan dokumen ini, kecuali sekarang setiap kali membaca/melihat, kita jadinya harus membayar fee.

Membaca buku di komputer

MobileRead Networks - Sony's e-Book reader LIBRIe to use E-Paper! Aku tidak tahu kenapa aku akan membeli gadget yang seperti ini, hanya 4 warna abu-abu, memakai batre AAA, hanya karena 'kelihatan seperti kertas beneran'. Nice way for Royal Philips dan Sony untuk menghabiskan budget R&D nya.
Aku lebih in favor terhadap Project Gutenberg Consortia Center, yang kini muncul dengan tampilan yang lebih baru. Mereka menyediakan banyak sekali buku yang gratis disediakan. Membaca lebih teliti di pernyataan mereka, ternyata buku-buku ini memang sah secara hukum untuk diambil, dibaca dan disebarkan kembali. Membaca buku seharusnya menjadi lebih murah, bukannya lebih mahal.

Sony Librie EBR-1000EP E-book Reader Teardown / Disassembly Reverse-Engineering Report

Yes, why wouldn't I pay 2400 dollars for a monitor that display 4 shades of gray, 32mb of book memory that dissapears in 60 days, just because it "looks like real paper". Way to spend your R&D money, Sony and Philips! It's a sure win! Sony Librie EBR-1000EP E-book Reader Teardown / Disassembly Reverse-Engineering Report

"I'm pissed off is what I am!"

Sunday, May 29, 2005


JAMIE CULLUM LYRICS - All At Sea: "I'm all at sea
Where no-one can bother me
Forgot my roots
If only for a day
Just me and my thoughts sailing far away
Like a warm drink it seeps into my soul
Please just leave me right here on my own
Later on you could spend some time with me
If you want to
All at sea
I'm all at sea
Where no-one can bother me
I sleep by myself
I drink on my own
Don't speak to nobody
I gave away my phone
Like a warm drink it seeps into my soul
Please just leave me right here on my own
Later on you could spend some time with me
If you want to
All at sea
Now I need you more than ever, I need you more than ever, now
You don't need it every day
But sometimes don't you just crave
To disappear within your mind
You never know what you might find
So come and spend some time with me
We will spend it all at sea
Like a warm drink it seeps into my soul
Please just leave me right here on my own
Later on you could spend some time with me
If you want to
All at sea"

This is exactly how I feel sometimes. Nice to say, Whenever I feel like this now, I have help and love and the shortest distance.

Friday, May 27, 2005


Persahabatan adalah ikatan kuat di antara dua orang yang bersifat saling menguntungkan. Persahabatan bisa terjadi karena adanya persamaan, antara lain persamaan minat, tujuan atau keadaan/situasi. Ikatan persahabatn yang diakibatkan oleh persamaan ini akan mengandung kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan persamaan tadi. Adi dan Bondan yang bersahabat karena sama-sama gemar menonton pertandingan bola akan banyak menghabiskan waktu bersama dengan menonton pertandingan bola. Kenikmatan persahabatan itu akan terasa setiap kali tujuan dari persamaan ini tercapai. Kedua sahabat koresponden akan menikmati persahabatan mereka setiap kali mereka berkorespondensi. Setiap kali persahabatan tersebut dinikmati, masing-masing pihak akan mendapatkan motivasi untuk tetap menjaga persahabatan tersebut. Seseorang yang paling menikmati persahabatannya akan menjaga persahabatannya dengan usaha yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan seseorang yang tidak menikmati persahabatannya.
Jika satu pihak memiliki keinginan untuk menikmati persahabatannya lebih tinggi dari sahabatnya, akan ada keinginan dari pihak pertama untuk mempengaruhi pihak kedua agar menghargai persahabatan tersebut dalam tingkat yang sekurang-kurangnya sama. Juga, karena adanya tingkat keinginan dalam mengkonsumsi persahabatan, tentunya ada juga keadaan di mana persahabatan tidak diinginkan. Pada titik tersebut, keadaan yang paling baik bagi kedua pihak adalah terminasi dari persahabatan, berakhirnya sebuah ikatan.

Small settings

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Mau membuat kamera?

Situs lucu ini memberikan pedoman untuk membuat kamera dari.... kertas!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Ibiblio menyediakan buku gratis, Proyek Novel, Diversifikasi Investasi.

http://www.ibiblio.org punya kumpulan perpustakaan yang sangat besar, bahkan menampung gutenberg. Aku masih menikmati jurnal yang disediakan untuk mahasiswa MM UI, Proquest. Dari bahan yang kucari mengenai risk, Proquest justru menampilkan artikel dari koran. Jumlah jurnal yang disediakan tidak sebanyak yang kuinginkan, tapi aku rasa kumpulan jurnal yang sekarang lebih baik kuteliti dulu sebelum kunilai lebih lanjut.
Mood hari ini adalah mood yang bagus untuk me-follow up proyek novel.
Penelitian belum ada kabar, kabarnya SH sedang sibuk sekali. Darn, semester baru akan mulai sebentar lagi, aku tidak tahu kalau nanti kita akan kelabakan seperti tahun lalu, tapi mungkin saja ya.
Penyebaran investment yang sesuai dengan sifat investasi mulai terlihat seperti sesuatu yang safe, tapi kenapa orang mau invest dengan aman? Kalau kemampuan prediksi tidak bagus, kenapa membuang uang sama sekali di tempat yang high risk, dan kalau yakin pada kemampuan prediksi, kenapa tidak meletakkan investasi pada tempat yang memang memberikan profit, bukan dirt?


Monday, May 02, 2005

Mencari cahaya

Dalam ketakutan terhadap sekelilingku, aku hanya menghadap ke atas dan menemukan cahaya. Tidak usahlah aku takut mati, toh iakan datang juga.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Hey Dude(2)

catch the sun!

hey dude
don't lean on me, man
cause i'm losing my direction and i can't understand
hey dude
i'll do what i can
but don't treat me like a woman when i feel like a man

[hey dude, kula share]

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Hey Dude!

Somebody asked me something, something that made me scared to answer it. Her questions made me question myself. I just realized that after we finished talking, waking up hours after the conversation.
What do I do? What do I need to secure myself? I saw my hands and saw no hope. It was up to me, only myself, to make it or fail it. A usual defence mechanism brought me to succumb to the feeling of powerless. Human make mistakes, so be it. I am powerless.
Then something hit me, brought in by the steady and chasing bass sound of Kula Shaker.
So what? So my best plan is under cooking. So what if I still have to wear the sign “Still Learning” and slam the pedal to the metal.
Yes, so what? This is not the time to close the transaction.
This, my friends, is the time to ride the wave!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Presentation tips

Interesting preception: Kalau lagi menerangkan presentasi memakai proyektor dan menggunakan laser pen sebagai alat untuk menunjuk, JANGAN gerakkan laser pen tersebut di atas benda yang ingin ditunjuk. Cukup lingkari sekali, atau tunjuk ruang di samping benda itu. Gerakkan memutar itu menjadi fokus sendiri, mengganggu orang melihat hal yang sebenarnya anda ingin perlihatkan!!!

Monday, April 18, 2005

Father to Son

It’s not time to make a change,
Just relax, take it easy.
You’re still young, that’s your fault,
There’s so much you have to know.
Find a girl, settle down,
If you want you can marry.
Look at me, I am old, but I’m happy.

I was once like you are now, and I know that it’s not easy,
To be calm when you’ve found something going on.
But take your time, think a lot,
Why, think of everything you’ve got.
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not.

How can I try to explain, when I do he turns away again.
It’s always been the same, same old story.
From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen.
Now there’s a way and I know that I have to go away.
I know I have to go.

It’s not time to make a change,
Just sit down, take it slowly.
You’re still young, that’s your fault,
There’s so much you have to go through.
Find a girl, settle down,
If you want you can marry.
Look at me, I am old, but I’m happy.
(son-- away away away, I know I have to
Make this decision alone - no)
All the times that I cried, keeping all the things I knew inside,
It’s hard, but it’s harder to ignore it.
If they were right, I’d agree, but it’s them you know not me.
Now there’s a way and I know that I have to go away.
I know I have to go.
(father-- stay stay stay, why must you go and
Make this decision alone? )

Saturday, April 16, 2005

cara mengakses gutenberg, penyedia buku gratis

Aku pernah membahas gutenberg project (linuxku.blogspot.com) sebagai tempat buku-buku yang gratis. Buku-buku ini kebanyakan klasik, jadi belum tentu ada semua buku di sana.
Hari ini, for some reason, situs mereka down. Itu tidak jadi masalah, karena mereka punya banyak mirror. Aku mengakses salah satunya, ftp://ftp.archive.org/pub/
1. Ambil file GUTINDEX.ALL. Itu berisi daftar buku mereka
2. Bukalah file itu dengan Ms Word, Open Office Text Document, Notepad, Crimson Editor, dst. Carilah buku yang ingin dibaca. Contoh, dengan find, aku menemukan agamemnon.
3. Agamemnon itu di baris 3251, tertulis "Agamemnon, by Aeschylus 14417"
4. 14417 ini adalah kode yang kita cari
5. Karena nomer kodenya, aku mencari di ftp://ftp.archive.org/pub/etext/1/4/4/1/ dengan Opera, Firefox, Internet Explorer dst. Ini aku dapat dari nomor 14417, aku cari di folder 1, lalu 4, lalu 4 dan seterusnya berdasarkan nomornya. Di folder itu ada folder 14410 sampai 14419. Aku pilih 14417. Kalau mau langsung ke foldernya, ftp://ftp.archive.org/pub/etext/1/4/4/1/14417.
6. Isi folder nya:
14417-8.txt Text Document 141 KB 22/12/2004 10:26:00
14417-8.zip Compressed (zipped) Folder 58 KB 22/12/2004 10:26:00
14417.txt Text Document 141 KB 22/12/2004 10:26:00
14417.zip Compressed (zipped) Folder 58 KB 22/12/2004 10:26:00
Karena semuanya cuma teks (tidak tersedia dalam html), aku ambil txt. Supaya cepat, aku ambil yang sudah dikompres dalam format zip. Aku klik
14417.zip Compressed (zipped) Folder 58 KB 22/12/2004 10:26:00
7. Udah deh.. Selamat mencoba.

Move in

Di mana ya?

Di mana ya?
Di mana ya? Sepertinya tertinggal di suatu tempat? Kenapa rasanya ada yang ketinggalan?

Thursday, April 14, 2005


Everything went back to being slow. Need readjustment.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


16:11 01/03/2005
Welcome to Banbury, Vemil! Happy conquering!
ps. http://skype.com, http://www.netspec.com/helpdesk/wiredoc.html

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Dad's fight; kenapa novel harus dibuat

the battle that my dad fought and won inspired me. Rasanya makin kuat perasaanku terhadap prioritas keluarga di dalam hidupku, dan aku memang benar-benar sudah punya apa yang aku miliki.
Berarti aku benar-benar sudah bahagia.
Proyek membuat novel datang untuk memenuhi kebutuhanku untuk menulis secara konstan dengan daya tahan lebih lama dari cerpen-cerpenku. Mungkin ada perubahan yang menarik dari proses ini.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

i love huckabees

Di situlah aku berada, diantara dua kutub: bersatu dalam harmoni dengan semesta dan unik.

Terlalu banyak waktuku habis hanya untuk meng acknowledge ketidaktahuanku akan citra diri sendiri. I'm lost. So why should I whine? There, I said it.
Now I can flow along.

Aku baru ngerti apa yang kutulis mengenai diriku sendiri (kira-kira seperti ini): "..sudah bahagia. Sekarang, ia hanya perlu melakukan apa yang dilakukan oleh orang lain: menguasai dunia.