"kita bisa mulai memberikan tindakan jika suhu tubuh mencapai 38 derajat Celsius(100.4 derajat Fahrenheit) dan beri bayi kita obat yang mengandung paracetamol sesuai dosis yang telah direkomendasikan oleh dokter anak kita. Pastikan suhu di ruangan kamar bayi kita juga tidak terlalu panas. Jangan beri paracetamol pada bayi dibawah 3 bulan cobalah di kompres dengan handuk/kain tebal dengan air hangat hangat kuku/suam suam."
2. Artikel ini menerangkan hal yang sama, lebih komprehensif.
"If fever is a defense against infection, is it really a good idea to try to bring it down?
Since fever is part of the body's defense against bacteria and viruses, some researchers suggest that the body may fight infections more effectively when its temperature is elevated. (Bacteria and viruses prefer an environment that's around 98.6 degrees F, or 37 degrees C.) A fever also tells the body to make more white blood cells and antibodies to fight the infection.
On the other hand, if your baby's temperature is too high, he'll be too uncomfortable to eat, drink, or sleep, and that will make it harder for him to get better.
If your little one's fever isn't affecting his behavior, you don't need to give him anything to lower it. Offer him plenty of breast milk or formula to prevent dehydration, and don't overdress him or bundle him up when he's sleeping.
If your baby's body temperature is higher than normal because of extra clothes or a scorching day, help him cool down by taking off a few of his layers and letting him rest or play quietly in a cool spot."
baby itu makhluk yg delicate... jadi hati2 klo udah terserang demam...
perlengkapan bayi
Terima kasih untuk linknya, Armouris.
Perlengkapan Bayi, terima kasih nasihatnya :)
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