Thursday, December 07, 2006

Mizone dilarang

Mizone dan produk lainnya dilarang beredar karena mengandung natrium benzoat. Berikut adalah keterangan mengenai natrium benzoat

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I don't care for self-pity. It ate one's soul. One drowned in it could use help and I'd like to extend my arm once in a while even for a stranger, it's in my nature to help.

Blaming other is worse. You realize the problem but refuse to accept responsibility. Being a loser may be unaccaptable to some people, a sore lose always is to all.

I also try to avoid regrets, so I'll leave it at that. What's left is pity for others, poor guy.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Memperhatikan kata-kata

Di masa kuliah, aku sangat dimanjakan oleh beberapa temanku yang bersedia menelan semua ceritaku tanpa ragu. Aku juga dimanjakan dengan 'milis pribadi'ku. Aku telah memiliki pengalaman untuk berkecimpung di dalam tulisan dalam konteks yang berbeda-beda. Aku menjadi lebih tertarik untuk mengeksplorasi kemungkinan itu lebih lanjut. Toh salah satu dosenku di awal kuliahnya menganjurkan kami untuk mulai menulis ke berbagai media sebanyak-banyaknya. Sudah waktunya aku memperhatikan anjuran itu.

Some new blog I found on economics

Sarapan ekonomi, kolom-kolom A Gusti Anwar, A. Fatih Syuhud.

Friday, November 24, 2006


  • Crunch time for those waiting on a reversal of the market. I'm having two, stocks and forex. Talk about adrenalin rush.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Pride and Joy

To G

Stevie Ray Vaughan | Pride & Joy lyrics:
Well youve heard about love givin sight to the blind
My babys lovin cause the sun to shine
Shes my sweet little thang....shes my pride and joy
Shes my sweet little baby....Im her little lover boy

Yeah I love my baby....heart and soul
Love like ours wont never grow old
Shes my sweet little thang....shes my pride and joy
Shes my sweet little baby....Im her little lover boy

Yeah I love my lady....shes long and lean
You mess with her....youll see a man get mean
Shes my sweet little thang....shes my pride and joy
Shes my sweet little baby....Im her little lover boy

Well I love my the finest wine
Stick with her until the end of time
Shes my sweet little thang....shes my pride and joy
Shes my sweet little baby....Im her little lover boy

Yeah I love my baby....heart and soul
Love like ours wont never grow old
Shes my sweet little thang....shes my pride and joy
Shes my sweet little baby....Im her little lover boy

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Extreme's side of the story

Cupid's Dead Lyrics

-you read the papers today?-

I read the news today oh boy,
About a tragic comedy
Newspaper hinted suicide,
The letterhead read Dear Johnny
A tainted truth was all it said,
Sleep tight now that you've made your bed
An arrow that once pierced your heart
Points to the apple on your head

Three sides to every story
Yours, mine
And, Monday morning's


Oh, Romeo, Oh, Romeo
Where did our love go, Romeo?
If you read between the headlines,
You wouldn't be the last to know
No mystery yet to unfold,
A paperboy left in the cold
A love was said to never die,
Withered away and just got old

"Our top story tonight,
is a crime of passion
The victim, an unidentified man,
is found in bed, wearing only a diaper,
holding a bow an arrow in one hand,
and clutching a letter in the other.
The letter simply read ...

Extra, extra, extra,
read all about it


Cupid is dead, deceased,
I got peace of mind
Still it's hard to forget,
what it leaves behind
A lot of love lost,
your feelings are wasted,
tasted the sweetness,
but now you're faced with,
the thought, of being alone
Nor more companionship,
you can handle it,
just abandon it,
leave it behind,
and look for the brighter day
Give it some time,
cause it won't come right away
You gotta be standing strong,
hold on to your dignity
Don't sit around,
saying look what ya did to me
It's time to move on,
you gotta continue
to look for a love,
of a life that's within you
Cupid is dead now,
it's time to rely on,
yourself to cope
You got no shoulder to cry on

Friday, November 10, 2006

Ocean's Eleven

VOC Bonds

Image:Vereinigte Ostindische Compagnie bond.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Ini adalah surat hutang yang membangun perusahaan yang menjajah Indonesia, VOC. Kita berpartisipasi dalam sejarah sekuritas pertama di dunia, dalam peran yang pasif.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

I'm so sleepy

What possessed a person to write this?

I'm So Sleepy Lyrics

I'm so sleepy, yeah
I'm so sleepy, yeah
I could lay my head on a piece of lead
and imagine it was a springy bed
'cause I'm sleepy, sleepy

soon I'm gonna slip away
in the night I feel it creeping, creeping, creeping

I'm so sleepy yeah
I'm so sleepy yeah
I could lay my head on a piece of lead
and imagine it was a springy bed
'cause i'm sleepy, sleepy

I can't keep my mind away from my dreams,
I hear them calling, calling, calling
Soon I'm gonna slip away
Soon I'm gonna slip away
Soon I'm gonna slip away
in the night I'm gonna slip away
I wont fight it, I'll just ride it

I'm so sleepy yeah
I'm so sleepy yeah
I could lay my head on a piece of lead
and imagine it was a springy bed
'cause I'm sleepy, sleepy

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


James Taylor | You’ve Got A Friend Lyrics:
We need to feel needed and need to need a friend. It's really simple:

Hey, aint it good to know that youve got a friend?
People can be so cold.
Theyll hurt you and desert you.
Well theyll take your soul if you let them.
Oh yeah, but dont you let them.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Song of the moment

Song: Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head Lyrics

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothin's worryin' me

Song: for once in my life

For once in my life I wont let sorrow hurt me
Not like its hurt me before
For once Ive got someone I know wont desert me
And Im not alone anymore

Ke manakah LNG ini?

Indonesia to halve LNG to Japan Observers say move a sign of tough times ahead in energy sector : Business : DAILY YOMIURI ONLINE (The Daily Yomiuri):
Pada saat tuntutan luar negri semakin besar, kita justru menarik ekspor dengan alasan akan memakainya untuk keperluan dalam negri.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Evil prevail

Tidak ada yang dapat dilakukan seseorang untuk menghentikan kebencian banyak orang.

"They say that evil prevail when good men fail to act. What they ought to say is evil prevail."
Lord of War.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Don't explain (2)

Ternyata cukup melelahkan juga membuat cerpen yang terakhir. Sambil menulis, aku tidak bisa menahan tangis karena terlalu terlarut di dalam karakter. Aku tidak menyangka akan menanggung beban mental sedemikian berat.

Don't explain

Don't explain
teddy budiwan
10:29 17-09-06

Udara bergerak lambat. Waktu bergerak lambat. Aku hampir tidak bisa bernafas di dalam lembabnya udara di sekitarku, aku bisa merasakan air beterbangan di dalam udara yang kuhirup.
Sudah telat, dan kau belum datang. Aku tidak bisa berpikir, aku tidak berani untuk mulai mengira di mana kau berada. Aku tidak ingin sampai ke kesimpulan yang tidak bisa kuterima sendiri.
Seharusnya kau sudah tiba di dalam waktu yang bisa kuterima di dalam genggamanku. Kita sudah sepakat, kau telah berjanji. Kau juga berjanji untuk akan menepati janjimu. Asuransi untuk kesepakatanku. Mana itu sekarang?
Aku tidak kesal, karena kesal adalah emosiku sepuluh jam yang lalu, dua tahun yang lalu, empat belas tahun lebih tepatnya. Empat tahun awalmu, aku tidak pernah menyia-nyiakan waktu kita berdua. Kau adalah putriku, dan istanaku kubuat mengelilingimu. Empat tahun awalmu. Lalu ketika kau sudah belajar untuk berdiri, kau hancurkan istanaku, duniaku, dan kau tidak pernah berhenti berlari. Aku hanya mampu untuk berhenti marah, mengurut dadaku dan belajar memaafkanmu. Itu memberikanku cukup waktu untuk melihat punggungmu ketika kau pergi dan kembali meninggalkanku.
Apa yang salah? Apa yang kulakukan padamu sehingga kau tidak pernah peduli lagi padaku. Aku memimpikanmu seumur hidupku, menunggumu separuh hidupku untuk menemukan kekecewaan sebagai teman abadiku menunggumu. Menunggumu seperti malam ini. Dan ketika aku sudah hampir tidak mampu menahan kantukku, kau datang di gelap hanya untuk memperdengarkan bantingan pintumu, dengusan nafasmu melihatku, tatapan jijikmu melihatku dan usahamu untuk menepisku.
Tidak. Tidak usah kau habiskan waktu untuk mencari alasan kenapa kau tidak ada di siang dan malamku. Kaulah kesayanganku dan penderitaan hidupku. Tegaklah kau di sana bagai lima menit, puaskanlah dahaga hidupku untuk bersamamu sebentar saja. Aku tidak akan mengganggumu, tunggulah di sana barang dua tiga menit saja, biar kurasakan leganya ruang ini dengan kau di dekatku. Biar kurasakan hidupku lengkap walau untuk sementara. Satu menit lagi saja. Kemudian larilah kau ke kamarmu, dengan petir yang menggelegar dari kakimu dan ujung lenganmu membanting pintu.
Nafasku tidak akan lama. Separuh hidupku telah hilang ketika kau menghembuskan nafas pertamamu di dunia ini. Kaulah separuh lagi hidupku, sisa jiwaku bergantung padamu. Dua tiga menit bersamamu adalah waktu yang berharga bagiku, cukup berharga untuk kutunggu selama hidupku, karena kaulah satu-satunya yang kumiliki darinya, kaulah kebahagian kami.
Tanahku masih basah. Aku tidak tahu apakah itu karena bumi atau airmatamu. Kulihat kau bersama dua permataku, disamping kesatriamu. Kalian tampak indah, sayangku. Tanganmu seperti menggapai-gapai ke arahku. Mencari-cariku. Tangismu menyayat hatiku. Kenapa kau taburkan ini untukku, sayang? Kau menangis seperti ini hanya ketika jari kakimu masih terlalu kecil untuk kuteliti satu-persatu. Kenapa kau tidak mengikhlaskanku? Biarkanlah aku pergi menemui cintaku, pujaan hatiku yang telah mempersembahkan nyawanya untukmu. Selesai tugasku di sini, mempersembahkanmu keluarga yang dapat kau sayangi, kau puja, seperti aku menyembahmu dan menyayangimu sepenuh hatiku, sepanjang hidupku. Aku akan terbang menemui kekasihku, menemuinya seperti janji kami dulu, setelah penat hidup ini kulalui. Aku ingin hakku, aku ingin hidupku penuh kembali. Aku ingin menemui kekasihku kembali. Tak usahlah kau menangis, kami akan tetap memperhatikanmu dari jauh. Sayangku padamu.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

That's all

That's All Lyrics
Artist(Band):Nat King Cole
Review The Song (1) Print the Lyrics

That's All Lyrics

(Alan Brandt, Bob Haymes)

I can only give you love that lasts forever
And a promise to be near each time you call,
And the only heart I own
For you and you alone,
That's all, that's all.

I can only give you country walks in springtime
And a hand to hold when leaves begin to fall,
And a love whose burning light
Will warm the winter night,
That's all, that's all.

There are those, I am sure, that have told you
They would give you the world for a toy.
All I have are these arms to enfold you
And a love even time can't destroy

If you're wondering what I'm asking in return, dear,
You'll be glad to know that my demands are small.
Say it's me that you'll adore
For now and ever more,
That's all, that's all.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Rating bukanlah hal yang penting untuk menarik investasi.

Rating investasi Indonesia yang turun dianggap bukan masalah bagi menteri perekonomian. Mungkin benar kalau investasi yang dimaksud berasal dari rekening yang tadi.

Kurang duit?

The Investor Group:
Artikel ini mengungkapkan sejumlah uang yang ditemukan dari rekening pejabat. Menarik.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

This little piece of..

Putting the speaker in your ear is not enough, you have to cover the hole space in you ear, leave no air out and pump it all with 100% juice!! Dangerous for bikers and moving people. You have to stay still when using this contraption. Use with caution to your hearing and balance health.
*don't forget to plug it in to one of those black and orange bulky thing that produce the music. You can call people too, but who uses them to call people? You want to ignore people. Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 04, 2006

Si Imut

Gemes ngeliatnya. Posted by Picasa


Mendengarkan lagu wild horses, aku kangen Dedetku.

Wild horses

Rolling Stones, sang by alicia keys

Childhood living is easy to do
The things you wanted I bought them for you
Graceless lady you know who I am
You know I cant let you slide through my hands

Wild horses couldnt drag me away
Wild, wild horses, couldnt drag me away

I watched you suffer a dull aching pain
Now you decided to show me the same
No sweeping exits or offstage lines
Could make me feel bitter or treat you unkind

Wild horses couldnt drag me away
Wild, wild horses, couldnt drag me away

I know I dreamed you a sin and a lie
I have my freedom but I dont have much time
Faith has been broken, tears must be cried
Lets do some living after we die

Wild horses couldnt drag me away
Wild, wild horses, well ride them some day

Wild horses couldnt drag me away
Wild, wild horses, well ride them some day

Seribu Tahun

Seribu Tahun
Teddy Budiwan

Rasanya sangat hampa ketika sesuatu menimpa dadaku. Di manakah aku sekarang ini? Kemanakah diriku telah pergi selama ini? Kenapa tak satupun kata-kata muncul dari mulut ini, ketika tiba waktunya aku harus membuktikan sesuatu di depan orang lain?

“Aku harus pergi,” bukanlah pilihan kalimat yang bagus. Aku perlu berada di sini dan menyelesaikan hal ini, seperti dia butuh untuk berada di sini dan menyelesaikan hal ini.

Diam. Sangat biasa, untuk dia.

Aku ngantuk

“Aku ngantuk,” juga bukanlah pilihan yang bagus.

“Jadi gimana?” Itu adalah pilihan yang bagus. Jeleknya, itu datang dari mulutnya, bukan pilihanku. Aku tidak punya banyak waktu untuk merutuk, waktuku benar-benar sempit, inilah saatnya, atau tidak sama sekali.

Tidak sama sekali, jelek sekali kedengarannya. Itu bukan main-main, tidak sama sekali itu benar-benar jelek sekali kedengarannya. Itu sama saja dengan menutup kemungkinan untuk aku memilih tidak, karena titel yang ada di tidak adalah ‘tidak sama sekali’. Itu menegasikan pilihanku untuk merubah pikiran secara permanen.

Itu bukanlah pilihan, itu pemaksaan.

Dan aku terlalu terlarut dengan pikiranku sendiri, ketika dia mulai menghilang. Waktu selanjutnya terisi dengan aku terlalu terpana dengan berlalunya waktu, dan panik karena dia mulai menghilang.

Ketika hanya tinggal sebayangan kepalanya yang jelas, aku berpikir, apakah harus kukatakan.

Bayangannya tidak jelas, yang jelas hanyalah dua tetes air mata yang jatuh. Aku telah terlambat lagi.

Dia pasti kecewa. Ya, aku tahu. Aku, si underachiever, telah beraksi kembali. Bodohnya aku.

Kembali lagi nih, mengisi seribu tahun dengan merutuk dan mengandai-andai-bagaimana-seandainya-iya.

Aku membalikkan badan, menyesal, tapi melangkah dengan cepat.

Aku tidak melihat sebentar tangannya menjadi jelas, dan wajahnya menjadi jelas, memelas, menggapai ke arahku. Sayang, suaranya tidak terdengar. Sebentar saja, bayangannya menjadi jelas, lalu menghilang. Sayang sekali, padahal itu adalah pertanda yang jelas kalau dia juga menginginkannya.

Sayang, aku tidak melihatnya. Aku terlalu sibuk memulai seribut tahun penyesalanku.

Bodohnya penyesalan – Jumat, 07 Desember 2001

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The sopranos

Tony soprano made his son work on a construction site because he wanted his son to be able to make it on his own. Sounds good for my son.


Sometimes I feel what this person is feeling around my neighborhood. I would blame the international (read: American) influence I had back at high school (the name Hanafi from the story "Salah Asuhan" ring any bells?).

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Festival Kemang

Dedet went to festival kemang last sunday. She came back tired, but she had fun. Isn't she pretty? Posted by Picasa

What if men know what they're doing?

I thought about it. What if they don't? So what. A lot of things I know now is worth next to nothing, in the sense that they don't do me or anybody any good.
It is really hard to be happy. You don't know where to go from there. Coming close to happiness should be the real desired position for every man. You're close to what you want, and everything is just fantastic. You still know what you want, and it's in front of you, a little bit more and you're there.
But then what? I'm already here, people. Where do you go from here?

*This is a really wonderful thought. I should write it. I don't have enough discipline to span in into a book. I should. Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 28, 2006

any given sundays

Orang lain bisa membuatmu sedih dan jatuh, tapi yang kau lakukan adalah menggigit balik, menendang balik, menyerang balik. Jangan setuju dengan pandangan mereka, buktikan mereka salah.

Friday, August 25, 2006

You just gotta give me a chance

In a relationship, it doesn't matter how great a person is to you, there is always something to work on. What should matter is the willingness for each party to give its best effort. Then, whatever the result of that effort, it is only up to the other party to accept the effort and offer it's effort to adapt it's own expectation. Because in conflict resolvement, like more others, is only in the perception.

Yang bikin Taurus nggak hepi

Yang bikin Taurus nggak Happy;

  1. Nggak jadi nomor satu diurusan apapun
  2. Kalau salah ngomong
  3. Berurusan sama si telmi
  4. Kebaikan hatinya dimanfaatin orang lain
  5. Bengong, nggak tau mau ngapain
[email dari ddt]

Darah perawan itu tidak ada

Darah Perawan? Ah Tidak Ada! - KOMPAS CYBER MEDIA: Artikel ini menerangkan kenapa darah perawan itu tidak ada.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

looking for pleasant energy

Lately Dedet and I have lost some interest in our evening time, in short, bored. This circle ensured my mood swing. I'm trying hard to improvise in my daily activities.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The sopranos

After taking a load off, Tony gave comment about his therapy session.
tony: you know, sometimes what happens in here is like taking a shit.
psych: yes, okay. Although I prefer to think of it more like childbirth.
tony: trust me. It's like taking a shit.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Is this defending something for higher ground?

DJ EU Criticizes Indonesia Over Planned Executions

BRUSSELS (AP)--The European Union criticized Indonesia on Thursday over the planned executions of three Christian militiamen who took part in religious clashes with Muslims six years ago.

"News of the imminent execution of three Indonesian citizens, which is all the more serious in the light of the fragile equilibrium that exists between different ethnic and religious groups, cannot fail to cause concern to Europe," said Franco Frattini, vice-president of the European Commission.

Capital punishment is banned in the European Union.

The three men are scheduled to be put to death Saturday for their role in the sectarian bloodshed on the island of Sulawesi in 2000 in which 1,000 people died. The fighting was part of a larger war between Muslims and Christians in the neighboring Maluku archipelago in which up to 9,000 perished.

Although clashes petered out by 2001, sporadic attacks on Christians have continued. These included the beheading last year of three Christian schoolgirls.

"We must discourage the culture of death and promote reason, dialogue, reciprocity, understanding and, above all, respect for different societies and religions," Frattini said.

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 10, 2006 10:42 ET (14:42


I know hatred is probably a part of human culture and history, but lately I just lose patience over the topic. A religion can be so beautiful on life's perspective. It can also be the worst reason for hating.
We should do something about this.


I never stood for this, I DON'T CARE what the reason is. Sins aren't YOUR concern, and neither

Monday, August 07, 2006

I wish I have more pictures taken

 Posted by Picasa

Cuek Bebek

Dedet's nephew. According to our culture, children of brothers and sisters from her mother's line are hers. So, stand corrected, it's her daughter. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Don't explain

Lagu ini membuatku merinding ketika pertama kali kudengar Billie Holiday. Ketika aku mendengarkan Herbie dengan dua vokalis membawakannya, aku masih merinding.

Don't explain

Billie Holiday / Arthur Herzog Jr.

Hush now, don't explain
Just say you'll remain
I'm glad your back, don't explain

Quiet, don't explain
What is there to gain
Skip that lipstick
Don't explain

You know that I love you
And what endures
All my thoughts of you
For I'm so completely yours

Cry to hear folks chatter
And I know you cheat
Right or wrong, don't matter
When you're with me, sweet

Hush now, don't explain
You're my joy and pain
My life's yours love
Don't explain

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Sutan Malano

Vemil saved our reception by keeping the too-much cultured MC off the mike. It was more than three years ago, I can't believe it! These happy days I'm living right now :)

 Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 17, 2006

Rough trade - an article

imp-247 Rough trade for info mengenai prostisusi di pulau karimun, kedua terbesar setelah papua.
Dari diperoleh informasi bahwa pulau karimun adalah penghasil granit yang besar.
Pemerintah bekerjasama dengan perusahaan hanoi bali untuk menyelenggarakan kepulauan untuk pariwisata di
Kalau nggak salah juga ada free trade zone dengan singapur juga.
Great place.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Kalau nanti Uda mati

Kadang-kadang pembicaraan yang romantis diawali dengan kalimat ,"Nanti kalau Uda mati.."
Siapa bilang kami tidak dewasa, we're planning ahead.

Monday, July 03, 2006


Forgiving is allowing yourself to enjoy a song that you once despised. For certain song from a girl who used to wear skirts, that took me 5 years or more.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Berburu rusa Raden Saleh, no pictures in google

Couldn't find any pictures in google of the infamous berburu rusa.

What is there, really?

Buffett, Gates unite on $60 billion foundation |
What does it tell you, a hardworking paving hardly on the way to your dream, that two of the richest people in the world give more than half of their money away to charity?

*as posted in indira

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Canned Oxygen, for sale

Sales of canned oxygen to create fresh market for Seven-Eleven Japan -
Sales of canned oxygen to create fresh market for Seven-Eleven Japan
Sunday, May 14, 2006 (Mainichi)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Turning myself inside out

What could be a running point to a guy like me? Where would I go? I seem to be a mystery to a lot of people, today I confused myself.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Mos Def lyrics :: Theives In The Night lyrics

Mos Def lyrics :: Theives In The Night lyrics [Talib Kweli]
Yo Dee (What?)
Come on (Yeah..)
What? What? Come on
Give me the fortune, keep the fame, said my man Louis
I agreed, know what he mean because we live the truest lie
I asked him why we follow the law of the bluest eye
He looked at me, he thought about it
Was like, I'm clueless, why?
The question was rhetorical, the answer is horrible
Our morals are out of place and got our lives full of sorrow
And so tomorrow comin later than usual
Waitin' on someone to pity us
While we findin beauty in the hideous
They say money's the root of all evil but I can't tell
YouknowhatImean, pesos, francs, yens, cowrie shells, dollar bills
Or is it the mindstate that's ill?
Creating crime rates to fill the new prisons they build
Over money and religion there's more blood to spill
The wounds of slaves in cotton fields that never heal
What's the deal?
A lot of cats who buy records are straight broke
But my language universal they be recitin my quotes
While R&B singers hit bad notes, we rock the boat
of thought, that my man Louis' statements just provoked
Caught up, in conversations of our personal worth
Brought up, through endangered species status on the planet Earth
Survival tactics means, bustin gats to prove you hard
Your firearms are too short to box with God
Without faith, all of that is illusionary
Raise my son, no vindication of manhood necessary
[M.D.] Not strong
[T.K.] Only aggressive
[M.D.] Not free
[T.K.] We only licensed
[M.D.] Not compassioniate, only polite
[T.K.] Now who the nicest?
[M.D.] Not good but well behaved
[T.K.] Chasin after death
so we can call ourselves brave?
[M.D.] Still livin like mental slaves
[both] Hidin like thieves in the night from life
Illusions of oasis makin you look twice
[both] Hidin like thieves in the night from life
Illusions of oasis makin you look twice
[Mos Def]
Yo, I'm sure that everbody out listenin agree
That everything you see ain't really how it be
A lot of jokers out runnin in place, chasin the style
Be a lot goin on beneath the empty smile
Most cats in my area be lovin the hysteria
Synthesized surface conceals the interior
America, land of opportunity, mirages and camoflauges
More than usually -- speakin loudly, sayin nothin
You confusin me, you losin me
Your game is twisted, want me enlisted -- in your usary
Foolishly, most men join the ranks cluelessly
Buffoonishly accept the deception, believe the perception
Reflection rarely seen across the surface of the lookin glass
Walkin the street, wonderin who they be lookin past
Lookin gassed with them imported designer shades on
Stars shine bright, but the light -- rarely stays on
Same song, just remixed, different arrangement
Put you on a yacht but they won't call it a slaveship
Strangeness, you don't control this, you barely hold this
Screamin brand new, when they just sanitized the old shit
Suppose it's, just another clever Jedi mind trick
That they been runnin across stars through all the time with
I find it's distressin, there's never no in-between
We either niggaz or Kings
We either bitches or Queens
The deadly ritual seems immersed, in the perverse
Full of short attention spans, short tempers, and short skirts
Long barrel automatics released in short bursts
The length of black life is treated with short worth
Get yours first, them other niggaz secondary
That type of illin that be fillin up the cemetary
This life is temporary but the soul is eternal
Separate the real from the lie, let me learn you
Not strong, only aggressive, cause the power ain't directed
That's why, we are subjected to the will of the oppressive
Not free, we only licensed
Not live, we just excitin
Cause the captors.. own the masters.. to what we writin
Not compassionate, only polite, we well trained
Our sincerity's rehearsed in stage, it's just a game
Not good, but well behaved cause the ca-me-ra survey
most of the things that we think, do, or say
We chasin after death just to call ourselves brave
But everyday, next man meet with the grave
I give a damn if any fam' recall my legacy
I'm tryin to live life in the sight of God's memory
Like that y'all
[Mos Def]
A lot of people don't understand the true criteria of things
Can't just accept the appearance
Have to get the true essence
[Talib Kweli]
They ain't lookin around
[M.D.] Not strong
[T.K.] Only aggressive
[M.D.] Not free
[T.K.] We only licensed
[M.D.] Not compassioniate, only polite
[T.K.] Now who the nicest?
[M.D.] Not good but well behaved
[T.K.] Chasin after death
so we can call ourselves brave?
[M.D.] Still livin like mental slaves
[both] Hidin like thieves in the night from life
Illusions of oasis makin you look twice
[both] Hidin like thieves in the night from life
Illusions of oasis makin you look twice
[both] Hidin like thieves in the night from life
Illusions of oasis makin you look twice
[both] Hidin like thieves in the night from life
Illusions of oasis makin you look twice
[Mos Def (singing)]
Stop hidin, stop hidin, stop hidin your face
Stop hidin, stop hidin, cause ain't no hiding place
* repeat 2X*
(Ad libs to fade)

KOS (Determination)

Mos Def lyrics :: K O S (Determination) lyrics [Talib Kweli]
So many emcees focusin on black people extermination
We keep it balanced with that knowledge of self, determination
It's hot, we be blowin the spots, with conversations
C'mon let's smooth it out like Soul Sensation
We in the house like Japanese in Japan, or Koreans in Korea
Head to Philly and free Mumia with the Kujichagulia TRUE
Singin is swingin and writin is fightin, but what
they writin got us clashin like titans it's not excitin
No question, bein a black man is demandin
The fire's in my eyes and the flames need fannin (3X)
With that what? (Knowledge Of Self) Determination
*repeat 4X*
Things I say and do, may not come quite through
My words may not convey just what I'm feelin
[Talib Kweli]
Yes yes come on, yes yes
Knowledge Of Self is like life after death
With that you never worry about your last breath
Death comes, that's how I'm livin, it's the next days
The flesh goes underground, the book of life, flip the page
Yo they askin me how old, we livin the same age
I feel the rage of a million niggaz locked inside a cage
At exactly which point do you start to realize
That life without knowledge is, death in disguise?
That's why, Knowledge Of Self is like life after death
Apply it, to your life, let destiny manifest
Different day, same confusion, we're gonna take this
hip-hop shit and keep it movin, shed a little light
Now y'all bloomin like a flower with the power of the evident
Voices and drums original instruments
In the flesh presently presentin my representation
With that what? (Knowledge Of Self) Determination
*repeat 6X*
- - - - these two parts overlap - - - -
Things I say and do, may not come quite through
My words may not convey just what I'm feelin
*repeat 2X*
[Talib Kweli]
The most important time in history is, NOW, the present
So count your blessings cause time can't define the essence
But you stressin over time and you follow the Roman calendar
These people enter Cona like Gattaca, you can bet
they tryin to lock you down like Attica, the African diaspora
represents strength in numbers, a giant can't slumber forever
I know you gotta get that cheddar whatever
Aiyyo I heard you twice the first time money, get it together
You must be History, you repeatin yourself out of the pages
You keepin yourself depleatin your spiritual wealth
That quick cash'll get your ass quick fast in houses of detention
Inner-city concentration camps where no one pays attention
or mentions the ascension of death, til nothing's left
The young, gifted and Black are sprung addicted to crack
All my people where y'all at cause, y'all ain't here
And your hero's using your mind as a canvas to paint fear
With, broad brush strokes and tales of incarceration
You get out of jail with that Knowledge of Self determination
Stand in ovation, cause you put the Hue in Human
Cause and effect, effect everything you do
and that's why I got love in the face of hate
Hands steady so the lines in the mental illustration is straight
The thought you had don't even contemplate
Infinite like figure eight there's no escape..
From that what? (Knowledge Of Self) Determination
*repeat 4X*
Things I say and do, may not come quite through
My words may not convey just what I'm feelin
*repeat 2X*
Things I say and do, may not come quite through
My words may not convey just what I'm feelin
*repeat 2X*
What I'm feelin, what I'm feelin, ooooh, what I'm feelin...

Rise and fall

Kembali, di tengah-tengah perasaan syukur dan senang, aku justru merasa sendiri dan sepi. Aku ingat sesuatu, perasaan sendiri dan kesepian itu justru adalah suatu perasaan yang kita miliki bersama, sebagai satu kaum manusia. Satu saat tertentu, masing-masing dari kita, merasa lepas, tertinggal atau tersesat di dalam tempat yang tidak kita kenal keberadaannya. Tidak ada teman yang menemani kita di sana, dan rasanya amat sepi. Dulu aku suka sekali tenggelam di dalam rasa sepi itu. Kini, setelah aku merasa "lebih lengkap", aku hanya perlu sekali-sekali menjenguk tempat itu, menyapa rasa kesepian itu, kemudian kembali lagi. Selamat sore, sepi.

Friday, June 16, 2006


Significant is having a big impact on you. Some people tend to have that effect. I'm glad they're them.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

some fights

Some fights are better off being left behind, too much effort. A good lesson learned was to realize how onfocus I could get.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

It's about time

I hope some of my friends are out there having their time of their life. Wherever they might be. I'm just sending this wish out to the sky. I wish you all well, people in Aceh, Jakarta, Depok, GB, Japan, US or NZ. I also wish my little heart well also.
I'll just stop posting anymore JC's lyrics, they're to sentimental.
Some times are just passing by. I feel like crying for not having them anymore, but I'm also glad and happy I had those time. I seem to see myself wrap protected in a golden aura, in a very special time and places. These special times I'm remembering, they seem so empowered and matured with time.
I need to get back to my usual grinding ritual. Back to business, getting myself ready for more.
Good night, my friends.

It's About Time

Jamie Cullum

Walking down to the waters edge, where I have been before
If I don’t find my love sometime, I’m walking out that door
Some may come and some may go, but no-one seems to be
The person I’ve been searching for, the one who’s meant for me

Biddin' my time, trying to find the heart that’s lonely
Looking for her, my love, my one and only
Maybe I’ll dream, tonight about the girl, who’ll be coming my way
So I’ll take this chance and celebrate the day
When I’m making my way through an open door
I got some love and so much more
And I’m ready, to make someone mine
Making my way through an open door
I got some love and so much more
And I’ll find her
'cause it’s about time

Tried to hard and it feels just like you’re running on thin air
Why does love happen by surprise, if you don’t really care
The past is gone; the flames are out from fires that have burned
New ideals and different thoughts from lessons I have learnt

Biddin' my time, trying to find the heart that’s lonely
Looking for her, my love, my one and only
Maybe I’ll dream, tonight about the girl, who’ll be coming my way
So I take this chance and celebrate the day
When I’m making my way through an open door
I got some love and so much more
And I’m ready, to make someone mine
Making my way through an open door
I got some love and so much more
And I’ll find her
'cause it’s about time

Got the feeling this could take a pretty long while, to find that smile
I’ll put my faith in another piece of good advice, well I tried that twice
Waiting for a little something more, to inspire, take me higher

And I’m ready to make someone mine
I’m making my way through an open door
I got some love and so much more
And I’ll find her
'cause it’s about time
it's about time (3x)

Lover, You Should Have Come Over Lyrics

This is something that I feel most guys can understand and hopefully not all of them have been through.
There is a feel of depression, but there is also a feel of an interesting stage in one's life. Had you live through it, I hope you got something out of it.
I used to feel this way for Dedet.

Lover, You Should Have Come Over Lyrics
Jammie Cullum

Looking out the door I see the rain fall upon the funeral mourners
Parading in a wake of sad relations as their shoes fill up with water
Maybe I'm too young to keep good love from going wrong
But tonight you're on my mind so you'll never know

I'm broken down and hungry for your love with no way to feed it
Where are you tonight, you know how much I need it
Too young to hold on and too old to break free and run

Sometimes a man he gets carried away, when he feels like he should be having his fun
And he's much too blind to see the damage he's done
Cause sometimes a man must awake to find that really he has no one

So I'll wait for you and I'll burn
Will I ever see your sweet return
Oh will I ever learn

Oh lover, you should've come over
'Cause it's not too late

Lonely is the room, the bed is made, the open window lets the rain in
Burning in the corner is the only one who dreams he had you with him
My body turns and yearns for a sleep that won't ever come

Sometimes a man he gets carried away, when he feels like he should be having his fun
And he's much too blind to see the damage he's done
Cause sometimes a man must awake to find that really he has no one

So I'll wait for you and I'll burn
Will I ever see your sweet return
Oh will I ever learn

Oh lover, you should've come over
'Cause it's not too late
'Cause it's not too late

Stress of a Father, stress of a man

What hurts a father, a man, the most, is knowing there is nothing you can do do avoid, ease or heal the pain that befalls on them. That hurt stays.
I can't imagine that pain.

Friday, June 02, 2006


Some people retreat when they're exhausted. I have, upon many things, Fatboy Slim. I shall head out to a peaceful place and return positive and energyzed.


Some journeys are ment to be hard and long. There is nothing to do but follow them. And my path is not that hard, many people succeeded doing it. All I have to do is do it.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Another song that brings me to a blue mood, the soundtrack for "Taxi". Listen to the longer version, it certainly tells you the mood more clearly than the tv version. Some of my friends are in dismay. I'm sending them happy thoughts.

Sore hari

It has been a while since I last felt so at home and relaxed. This feeling can be easily be created by the right song. Andien made that feeling appear beautifully.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Rida sita dewi

Nothing they can't cure. I'm listening to "datanglah tuan" with cheerful mood, saved from my mood swings.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The girl

So the girl finally went out with the troubled guy, and she apologized to the nice guy. I'm thinking, why in the world did that girl went and faced the nice guy after hurting his heart? That girl just lost my pity. I hate her.
[girlmore girls]

Monday, May 22, 2006

The girl

To the girls who keep making the same mistakes by being too nice to bad boys, I pity them. To the guys behind them, pushed their trusts and kept on waiting for those girls to come back, I pity them, too. I hope they're both okay, I really feel sorry for them.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Reaching out

I reached out for an old friend today. She's in Japan, I think. I'm hopping to her from her again. It's frustrating to read her name as an older sister of a 70 years old japanese teacher who got killed 15/17 years ago and whose case can't be brought to court by some japanese crime law.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Talk about an old turtle

Reuters, 1966

Night cruises

..and we would go on these night cruises, meeting our loves. I let her sit by the windows, carrying her stuffed doll, getting excited and jumpy. It was an ordinary journey, but she made it enjoyable.
..and we would arrive there all dirty, carrying dust in our hopes. But we would fly. We would fly together. And I would never wonder what true friends would do to each other, because she'd done it all. For me.
I wonder if she's already asleep.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Rida Sita Dewi

At night, a trio of female singer with slow songs always slay me. I am thankful for what I have now, but also don't have that much time to just sit around and ponder. It is such a lovely night to do it, though.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Meanings sold seperately

On our way to sleep, my Dedet and I thought about how miserable her college years were, being with so little friends and so hostile environment. In her nuance, I succeeded in perceiving mine to a neutral one, being one without any emotional meaning. It's odd, because it wasn't like that at all. I had many meaningful experience back then, and my general perception could not explain it. Our little chat brought me an enlightenment, that our experience is meaningless, unless we add meaning to it. Something happened is on thing, what we think of it happened is what we treasure.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Sea Turtle

These few days I felt myself drifting in the middle of classes. This trimester just begun, yet it has taken all of my energy just to keep up with it. I feel afraid and exhausted. I'm part afraid of my performance this trimester, but moreover I'm afraid of my career.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

There are 3 kinds of people

People who make things happen
People who see things happen
People who wonder what happened

Menjadi perempuan

Menjadi Perempuan
Teddy Budiwan
05/11/05 12:12:53
Kenapa menjadi perempuan itu lebih berat? Perempuan menstruasi, harus mengalami sakit sekali sebulan. Perempuan hamil, membawa dan memberi makan anaknya sembilan bulan lamanya. Melahirkannya, perempuan bermain diantara hidup dan mati, terluka badannya. Setelah melahirkan, perempuan harus menyusui anaknya, siap kapanpun diinginkan. Ketergantungan anak kecil pada ibunya jauh melebihi pada ayahnya.
Perempuan bangun lebih dahulu dari lelaki. Perempuan tidur setelah lelaki. Perempuan lebih capek dari lelaki, perempuan memikirkan lebih banyak hal dari lelaki, perempuan mengurus dirinya dengan usaha yang lebih tinggi dari lelaki.
Lelaki, melihat ini, menjadi ingin mengurangi beban perempuan. Ia ingin perempuan hanya bersenang-senang, hanya mengkonsumsi saja. Lelaki menjadi bergairah untuk berusaha, lelaki menjadi termotivasi. Anak kecil pada lelaki tersingkirkan, karena ada kata baru di kamusnya, “Prioritas.” Lelaki mendahulukan kepentingan perempuan dan anaknya.
Lelaki melihat dirinya sendiri. Tidak puas pada dirinya, ia ingin yang lebih baik pada anaknya. Ia memacu anak kecil yang tidak mengerti apa-apa. Anak marah karena disinggung masa kecilnya. Anak tidak sabar ingin pergi dari rumah.
Perempuan melihat rumah yang sepi, menjadi sedih. Perempuan menjadi tua, lelaki menjadi muda. Perempuan dan lelaki menjadi sendiri dalam lamunan. Lelaki melihat perempuan bertanya kenapa perempuan sedih. Perempuan melihat lelaki bertanya kenapa terlalu memikirkan diri sendiri.
Kenapa menjadi perempuan itu lebih berat? Kehidupan berputar mengelilingi perempuan. Melihat perempuan, lelaki menjadi kagum, ingin membantunya. Lelaki ingin melindungi, lelaki ingin melakukan sesuatu untuk perempuan.
Kenapa menjadi perempuan itu lebih berat?

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Missing a friend

There once was a close friend, a very flexible friends. We conquered the world, we ventured the unchartered, we went places together, she showed me my music.
I would like to remember her friendship today.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

One to love

Malam ini aku sangat terpengaruh dan kagum pada kekuatan cinta. Aku harap semua orang di luar malam ini dikaruniai cinta yang memenuhi hidup mereka.
May love fill your love, all of you.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

American Splendor

This is the first time I have a positive energy from the movie "American Splendor". Sure, you have a longing in life, but nothing should possibly worth punishing your whole life.
Am I cured?

Monday, May 01, 2006


Aku sudah bosan mengeluh saja pada keadaan Indonesiaku. Tidak ada yang bisa kulakukan untuk memperbaiki keadaan Indonesiaku dan aku sedih. Mungkin aku memang seharusnya tutup mulut saja, dan membiarkan Indonesiaku dihancurkan oleh penduduknya sendiri. Sepertinya itu memang kebudayaan bangsa ini, membiarkan yang berani, yang membela kepentingan yang banyak, mati dimakan norma.
Kita lihat besok, apakah ada yang peduli besok hari pendidikan?

Saturday, April 29, 2006

They Can't Take That Away From Me

The way you wear your hat
The way you sip your tea
The memory of all that
No they can’t take that away from me

The way your smile just beams
The way you sing off key
The way you haunt my dreams
No they can’t take that away from me

We may never never meet again, on that bumpy road to love
But I’ll always, always keep the memory of

The way you hold your knife
The way we danced till three
The way you changed my life
No they can’t take that away from me

Untuk kesayanganku.

A friend in need

Seorang teman sedang tertimpa musibah. Saat-saat sulit seperti ini, terasa kualitas seorang teman. Teman tidak sulit dicari, namun teman juga tidak sulit untuk hilang. Teman yang berumur lama mempunyai kualitas yang bersinar dibalik waktu. Aku sangat beruntung memiliki teman sepertinya.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

So Beautiful

So Beautiful Simply Red lyrics
Artist: Simply Red
Album: Life
Year: 1995
Title: So Beautiful Print

I was listening to this conversation
Noticing my daydream stimulated me more
I was crumbling with anticipation
You'd better send me home before I tumble down to the floor

You're so beatiful but oh so boring
I'm wondering what I'm doing here
So beatiful but oh so boring, I'm wondering
If anyone out there really cares
About the curlers in your hair
My little golden baby, where have all your birds flown now ?

Something's glistening in my imagination
Motorvatin' something close to breaking the law
Wait a mo' before you take me down to the station
I've never known a one who'd make me suicidal before

She was so beatiful but oh so boring
I'm wondering what I'm doing here
So beatiful but oh so boring, I'm wondering
If anyone out there really cares
About the curlers in your hair
My little golden baby, where have all your birds flown now ?

When we dance

I'm gonna love you more than life
If you will only be my wife
I'm gonna love you night and day
I'm gonna try in every way

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Death Poems

Salon: Japanese Death Poems:
Japanese death poems, not to encourage anybody.

Some news arrested for throwing boy, 9, off building - ENGLISH:
Pantesan di Jepang perkara bunuh diri adalah topik yang ramai diminati. What is it about death that attracts Japanese?

Why I am so clever

Why I am so clever:
Ini adalah terjemahan dari tulisan nietzche. To ponder.

Of Commandership

This is the navy, where a commanding officer is a mighty and terrible thing-- a man to be feared and respected. All knowing, all powerful. Don't you dare say what you said to the boys back there again-- "I don't know." Those three words will kill a crew, dead as a depth charge. You're the skipper now, and the skipper always knows what to do, whether he does or not.

--From the movie, U-571

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Nobody Knows

Menonton Nobody Knows membuat perutku melilit. No man should see it, terlalu menyayat.

Repetitive injuries

Official Google Blog:
Bagian kecil di Blog Google menerangkan mengenai injuri yang di dapat dari tindakan repetitif. Bagus untuk yang bekerja di komputer selalu.

Saturday, April 22, 2006


I'm blessed with good friends. Friends I love. I am thankful for them. You know who you are.

not Care

Most people won't care about you unless you show them care.
Some people would just not care for you no matter what.
Little people would care for you no matter what.

Is your glass half-empty or half-full? Mine's full.

Kurikulum mau ke mana?

Riau Pos Online - Ganti Menteri, Ganti Kurikulum:
Tulisan Drs Yasril sangat menarik, karena selain menunjukkan pointnya, dia memberikan solusi. Tulisan yang bagus untuk membuka wawasan karena memberikan sesuatu yang tidak dapat diakses orang yang tidak berada di dalam sistem. Yang menutup tulisan ini adalah akhir yang bagus pula, yaitu solusi menurutnya. Aku juga setuju bahwa kurikulum ini seharusnya memang berada di kuasa yang lebih tahan lama dari mentri, karena menurutku para mentri itu memang tidak punya life span yang lama, terlebih lagi kebijaksanaan mereka. Mungkin yang harusnya lebih berkuasa adalah semacam badan independen pendidikan nasional, yang terdiri dari profesional dibandingkan birokrat.
Tulisan yang bagus.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Dixie Chick's Ready to Run


"Ready To Run"

When the train rolls by
I'm gonna be ready this time
When the boy gets that look in his eye
I'm gonna be ready this time
When my momma says I look good in white
I'm gonna be ready this time

Oh yeah
Ready, ready, ready, ready...ready to run
All I'm ready to do is have some fun
What's all this talk about love

I feel the wind blow through my hair
I'm gonna be ready this time
I'll buy a ticket to anywhere
I'm gonna be ready this time
You see it feels like I'm starting to care
And I'm going to be ready this time

Oh yeah
Ready, ready, ready, ready...ready to run
All I'm ready to do is have some fun
What's all this talk about love

I'm ready to run...I'm ready to run

Ready, ready, ready, ready...ready to run
All I'm ready to do is have some fun
What's all this talk about love
I'm ready to run
I'm ready to run
I'm ready to run
I'm ready to run...ready to run...
ready to run...yeah I'm ready to run. I'm ready
Whoa I'm ready to run...I'm ready...I'm ready to run...
I'm ready to run...I'm ready
Oh I'm ready to run..I'm ready.


Wah, menarik sekali hari ini. Aku senang.

Don't explain

Dinyanyikan oleh Nina Simone, dibuat oleh Billy Holiday dan Herzog

Hush now, don’t explain
Just say you’ll remain
Unless you’re mad, don’t explain

My love, don’t explain
What is there to gain
Skip that lipstick
Don’t explain

You know that I love you
And what loving does
All my thoughts are real
For I’m so completely yours

Try to hear folks chatter
And I know you cheat
Right or wrong, don’t matter
When you’re with me, sweet

Hush now, don’t explain
You’re my love and pain
My life’s your love
Don’t explain

Lagu country selalu punya kekuatan di liriknya



[Hidden Track]

Sarabeth is scared to death
To hear what the doctor will say
She hasn't been well
Since the day that she fell
And the bruise, it just won't go away
So she sits and she waits with her mother and dad
Flips through an old magazine
Till the nurse with a smile
Stands at the door
And says will you please come with me

Sarabeth is scared to death
Cause the doctor just told her the news
Between the red cells and white
Something's not right
But we're gonna take care of you

Six chances in ten it won't come back again
With the therapy were gonna try
It's just been approved
It's the strongest there is
I think we caught it in time

Sarabeth closes her eyes
And she dreams she's dancing
Around and around without any cares
And her very first love is holding her close
And the soft wind is blowing her hair

Sarabeth is scared to death
As she sits holding her mom
Cause it would be a mistake
For someone to take
A girl with no hair to the prom

For, just this morning right there on her pillow
Was the cruelest of any surprise
And she cried when she gathered it all in her hands
The proof that she couldn't deny

Sarabeth closes her eyes
And she dreams she's dancing
Around and around without any cares
And her very first love was holding her close
And the soft wind is blowing her hair

Its quarter to seven
That boys at the door
And her daddy ushers him in
And when he takes off his cap
They all start to cry
Cause this mornin where his hair had been
Softly she touches just skin

And they go dancin
Around and around without any cares
And her very first true love is holding her close
And for a moment she isn't scared

Menghemat APBN 41 trilliun dengan membayar 63 trilliun?

INDO POS Online - Jawa Pos Group: Apapun yang salah, hal ini sempat membuatku mengangkat alis mata.

Registered Financial Advisor

Iseng iseng ngeliat Di Indonesia yang terdaftar 93 orang, di Malaysia 184 orang. Kirain signifikan, trus lihat di Singapur. 7. Hm.. Something wrong with this?

Happy birthday to me!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

It's a great dau to be alive

Travis Tritt
It's a Great Day To Be Alive
Written by - Darrell Scott
I got rice cooking in the microwave 
Got a three day beard I don't plan to shave
And it's a goofy thing but I just gotta say
Hey I'm doing alright

Yeah I think I'll make me some homemade soup
Feelin pretty good and that's the truth
It's neither drink nor drug induced
No I'm just doin alright

And it's a great day to be alive
I know the sun's still shinin when I close my eyes
There's some hard times in the neigborhood
But why can't every day be just this good?

It's been fifteen years since I left home
Said good luck to every seed I'd sown
Give it my best and then I left it alone
Oh...I hope their doin alright

Now I look in the mirror and what do I see?
A lone wolf there starin back at me
Long in the tooth but harmless as can be
Lord I guess he's doin alright


Sometimes it's lonely
Sometimes it's only me
And the shadows that fill this room
Sometimes I'm fallin
Desperately callin
Howlin at the moon...

Well I might go get me a new tattoo
Or take my old Harley for a three day cruise
Might even grow me a Fu Man Chu...
Oh Aww!

Chorus (2 x's)

©1995 EMI April Music Inc. / House of Bram

Etanol - epilog

Melihat bahan di lipi, bppt, aku menyimpulkan kalau ternyata sudah banyak studi dilakukan untuk menyelidiki gasohol, etanol dan biodiesel. Beberapa BUMN telah memproduksi etanol, yang, katanya, diambil untuk keperluan medis. Sedangkan Medco sudah dalam proses membuat pabrik etanol. Yang kurang bagiku adalah dukungan regulasi dari pemerintah ataupun insentif. Namun, aku melihat sudah ada pergerakan dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan ke arah sana. Paling tidak aku tidak terlalu penasaran. Namun aku akan tetap melihat arah pergerakan ini. Kalau Khosla berhasil, mungkin aku harus mencari-cari saham enerji di bagian itu. India? Brasil? Amerika?


Terus terang saya tidak suka judi dan menolak judi, tapi kata-kata Bang Ali sangat realistis dan pragmatis. Masyarakat kita lebih peduli pada judi daripada menyumbang untuk dana sosial atau secara sukarela membantu orang lain. Saya mengatakan lebih peduli dengan alasan duit yang terkumpul jauh lebih banyak. Kalau dilegalisir, beserta pelacuran, aku yakin jakarta akan memperoleh uang yang banyak. Aku juga percaya kalau ulama-ulama yang disebutkan oleh Bang Ali itu tidak mencarikan solusi. Mereka hanya protes dan menghakimi. Potret ulama yang kutemukan sehari-hari di kampungku, marah-marah nggak jelas, menghakimi semua orang, lalu pulang mengantongi fee dari mesjid yang menawar paling tinggi.
Money matters. Face it. Aku dan Dedet ingin sekali punya guru pengajian kita sendiri, tapi aku sulit menemukan ulama yang kita approve cara pikirnya. Kebanyakan kali aku mendengarkan khotbah Jumat, kupingku panas, karena aku sangat tidak setuju dengan apa yang dikhotbahkan khatib. Ini adalah topik yang sangat emosional bagiku, jadi aku akan kembali ke topik yang kubawakan.
Jadi, menurutku, legalkan saja judi dan pelacuran. Kaum ulama, beserta kebanyakan rakyat kita akan tidak setuju. Seperti teman-temanku di kampung, yang tiap hari selasa akan ribut mempersoalkan nomer buntut berapa yang akan keluar hari kamis, atau tetanggaku di Utan Kayu yang pasti semarak mengikuti judi selama piala dunia.
Kenapa kita memaksakan untuk mempertahankan judi dan pelacuran untuk tidak dilegalkan dan membiarkannya tumbuh dengan gelap? Aku tidak habis pikir.


Ethanol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Alas, aku sudah mencari-cari informasi mengenai ini. Aku ingin tahu kekurangan dari gasohol. Kenapa Indonesia tidak menggunakan ini untuk mengurangi ketergantungannya pada minyak?

Monday, April 17, 2006

Artikel dari LIPI

Energi Indonesia:
Dibandingkan bekerjasama dengan negara lain untuk membuat ethanol, aku lebih pro kalau kita sendiri yang membuatnya, karena kita punya bahan bakar dan aku yakin sekali kita mampu untuk membuatnya sendiri. Korea seharusnya membeli ethanol dari kita. Atau sekurang-kurangnya kita dapat mengimpor bahan bakar minyak lebih sedikit, dan lebih banyak mengekspor.


Vinod Khosla - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Ini adalah informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Vinod Khosla. Aku menemukan slide tersebut di Google Video. Menurut Ulrich dalam Human Resource Champion, pemimpin masa depan harus "globally agile and literate than their parents have been. Mungkin untuk masa depan, analisis lingkungan bisnis tidak lagi hanya melihat lingkungan non pasar Indonesia, tapi juga, sekurang-kurangnya, asia tenggara.

Vinod Khosla on Ethanol

 Posted by Picasa

Bule Gila ke mana?

Lho, sekarang kok bule gila si "uncle JC" ke mana?

I can't make you love me

Artist: George Michael Lyrics
Setelah mendengar ini, aku kangen Dedetku.

Turn down the lights, turn down the bed
Turn down these voices inside my head
Lay down with me, tell me no lies
Just hold me close, don't patronize
Don't patronize me

'Cause I can't make you love me If you don't
You can't make your heart feel something it won't
Here in the dark in these final hours
I will lay down my heart, and I'll feel the power
But you won't, no you won't
And I can't make you love me
If you don't

I'll close my eyes and then I won't see
The love you do not feel, when you're holding me
Morning will come, and I'll do what's right
Just give me till then, to give up this fight
And I will give up this fight

And I can't make you love me if you don't
You can't make your heart feel something it won't
And here in the dark in these final hours
I will lay down my heart and I'll feel the power
But you won't, no, you won't
And I can't make you love me
If you don't

Ain't no use in you trying
It's no good for me baby without love
All my tears, all these years, everything I believed in
Oh yeah
Someone's gonna love me

Trace Adkins, Songs about me

Songs About Me
(Ed Hill/Shaye Smith)

I met a guy on the red-eye,
He spotted my guitar an' said: "What do you do?"
I said: "I sing for a livin',
"Country music mixed with a little rock an' a little blues.
He said: "I'm sorry but I've never been crazy,
"'Bout that twang and trains and hillbilly thing.
"What ever made you want to sing stuff like that?"
I just looked at him and laughed and said:

'Cause it's songs about me,
And who I am.
Songs about lovin' and livin',
An' good hearted women, family and God.
Yeah, they're all just songs about me:
Songs about me.

So I offered him tickets.
I said: "You'll see what I mean if you show up tonight."
He said: "I doubt you'll change my opinion;
"I'll be kind of busy but, hey man, I'll try."
Then later on when we finished our songs,
About scars and cars an' broken hearts, I saw him:
He was standin' there right next to the stage,
An' he shouted: "Man you were right, it was like you sang:

Those songs about me,
And who I am.
Songs about lovin' and livin',
An' good hearted women, family and God.
Yeah, they're all just songs about me:
Songs about me, yeah.

So I'll just keep on singin',
Till I hear the whole world singing:

Those are songs about me,
And who I am.
Songs about lovin' and livin',
An' good hearted women, family and God.
Yeah, they're all just songs about me:
Songs about me.

Getting ready for something?

All this getting ready has given me what? So far other things that have given me so much.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Melegalkan pelacuran, perjudian dan majalah dewasa

Tidak banyak ide baru yang dapat ditambahkan pada ide Kêrê Kêmplu mengenai pelacuran, perjudian dan majalah dewasa. Menurutku itu adalah solusi yang paling masuk akal dan memenuhi kebutuhan pihak yang pro maupun yang kontra. Tentu saja, kecuali kebutuhan memaksakan kehendak dan gaya hidup pada orang lain. Aku ingat dalam salah satu pelajaran agamaku bahwa kaum muslim harus menghindari hal ini. Namun, dengan menutup praktek ini, jujur saja, yang aku lihat di sekitarku adalah perjudian dan pelacuran justru terjadi di tempat yang tidak dapat diketahui dengan pasti oleh masyarakat, sehingga kita tidak tahu ke mana kita akan melarang anak-anak kita untuk pergi. Dan yang membuatku marah, justru orang mengambil keuntungan dengan dilarangnya hal-hal seperti ini dengan MARGIN yang lebih besar. Tentu saja ada praktek penipuan gadis-gadis yang kemudian dipaksa untuk menjual dirinya.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Next Year


"Next Year Baby"

Next Year,
Things are gonna change,
Gonna drink less beer
And start all over again
Gonna pull up my socks
Gonna clean my shower
Not gonna live by the clock
But get up at a decent hour
Gonna read more books
Gonna keep up with the news
Gonna learn how to cook
And spend less money on shoes
Pay my bills on time
File my mail away, everyday
Only drink the finest wine
And call my Gran every Sunday
Well Baby they come and go
Will I do any of these things?
The answers probably no
But if there's one thing, I must do,
Despite my greatest fears
I'm gonna say to you
How I've felt all of these years
Next Year, Next Year, Next Year
I gonna tell you, how I feel
Well, resolutions
Baby they come and go
Will I do any of these things?
The answers probably no
But if there's one thing, I must do,
Despite my greatest fears
I'm gonna say to you
How I've felt all of these years
Next Year, Next Year, Next Year

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Pinjam dong..

Situs ini menggambarkan susahnya debt bagi suatu negara, dan bagaimana negara lain dapat menggunakannya untuk memperbesar pasar bagi produknya dengan memaksa negara lain mengkonsumsinya.

Monday, April 10, 2006


Dari digital library MMUI

And what commercial microfinance means for development
Marguerite S. Robinson
Paper presented at BRI’s
International Seminar on BRI’s Microbanking System
Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Bali, Indonesia
1 December 2004 [Updated April 2005]

The units were established, beginning in 1970, as part of the government’s BIMAS
program for rice intensification.3 The main role of the units was to channel subsidized
credit to rice farmers (later they also provided government-subsidized loans to finance
other agricultural activities as well). In a nutshell, the massive rice intensification
program succeeded; its credit component failed. What went wrong at the units? The
answer is that a lot went wrong.
· Loan terms and ceilings were set by the government.
· Government regulations stipulated that borrowers pay a subsidized 12% interest
on credit, while the units were required to pay 15% on savings. This is an
approach that comes with a guarantee of failure!
· Borrowers were selected largely by government committees.
· But BRI was responsible for loan collection—a bad combination!
· In practice, the below-market loans went mainly to rural elites, and in the process,
encouraged corruption and politicization.
· Units were treated as branch windows, and the performance of the units was
aggregated with that of their supervising branch. Thus the performance records of
individual units were not reported separately, and little was known about them.
· Unit staff were poorly trained, unmotivated, and not well supervised.
· Unit managers had limited authority and little accountability.
· There were exceptions, but unit staff generally had poor knowledge of – and very
little interest in – the microfinance market.
· The units were highly inefficient.
· They had minuscule savings. This was hardly surprising as every deposit meant a
loss for BRI!
· The units had high loan defaults.
· The system had large and continuing losses.
· There were 3,600 units—0 were profitable.

Aku tahu paling kurang ada satu lagi perusahaan yang di'tekan' seperti ini oleh pemerintah, Pertamina. Apa yang ada di pikiran mereka saat itu, ketika sedang melakukan hal ini? Apa yang dipikirkan oleh mereka ketika tulisan ini disertakan di tahun 2004?
"Everybody else was doing it?"

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Bu Kasur

Guru adalah tugas yang mulia, banyak orang akan setuju. Entah berapa nilai mulia itu, sepertinya tidak terhingga, karena gaji guru sampai sekarang rata-rata menyedihkan. Tapi tetap saja, banyak orang menjadi guru, walaupun mungkin tidak cukup banyak. Aku tidak sengaja sampai ke Ibu Kasur, dan aku sadar, ternyata di belakang pengalaman yang aku miliki selama ini berdiri banyak guru yang telah membimbingku. Salut untuk semua guru. Aku jadi teringat keinginanku untuk membuat sekolah jarak jauh.

Seth Godin

Tuhan menciptakan manusia dengan keterbatasannya pada persepsi. Sedihku teralihkan dengan menonton Seth Godin di Google, bercerita mengenai "All Marketers are Liar" dan bukunya, "Be a Better Liar".

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Suck it up

Aku beruntung juga punya prinsip itu. Kalau memang bermasalah, suck it up, deal with it. Kalau memang sedang berada di bawah, cheer up, there isn't anywhere to go but UP.


Aku tumbuh dengan banyak sekali teman. Hari ini aku sadar, aku tidak punya teman untuk share masalah ini.


Dear Indira,
I wish I could sleep tonight soundly. I feel so restless this night, can't find my peace. Thank God there's Louis' "What a wonderful world". Aku tidak menyesal pada hidupku, aku malah merasa sangat bahagia. Namun aku memang punya sesuatu yang tertinggal dari kemarin dan itu sekarang menghadapiku dengan galaknya sekarang. Aku sangat sedih dengan kenyataan ini, bertanya kenapa aku tidak bisa hidup tanpanya? Mungkin itu yang dihadapi oleh semua orang, Indira. Semuanya punya kenyataan hidup yang pahit, seperti lirik2 lagu country atau dangdut. Sekarang setengah dua lagi, dan aku masih termangu.
Selamat malam, Indiraku.

Friday, April 07, 2006


Ada seseorang yang kukagumi di dalam kelas ini, yang kukira akan bosan juga. Kok dia masih hidup aja ya, kok nggak mati?


Mengambil kelas umum hari ini, I remembered why I avoided HR.

One of many favorites

The Antithetical Gibran?: Ini adalah penyair yang kusuka. Salah satu tulisannya yang pertama kukenal adalah mengenai anak.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Melihat blogku sendiri, Indira: June 2004, aku tidak percaya kalau aku sudah memperhatikan pasar selama setahun. Setahun dan aku masih belum mengambil keuntungan darinya. Kapan nih, ya?

Buruh mogok

Aku mendengarkan berita mengenai demonstrasi buruh dengan hati kesal. Tadi aku mendengar ada Busway yang dibakar. Menurutku hal itu sama sekali tidak berhubungan dengan RUU 13, kenapa mereka harus mengganggu orang lain? Kenapa bundaran HI harus berhenti total? Tidak ada yang mereka buat lebih sebal kecuali rekan-rekan buruh mereka, yang berdasi, yang bekerja tiap bulan gali lubang tutup lubang, rekan mereka yang juga tengah kesulitan menghadapi hidup. Buruh-buruh yang demo tersebut seolah berkumpul, untuk memberikan impresi, kalau gue nggak seneng, elu semua bakal gue bikin susah.
Kepada siapa mereka marah terhadap RUU tersebut? Ke walikota? Ke jalan-jalan di daerah? Ke wakil presiden? Pertama, kenalilah targetmu.
Kedua, pelajari bahasa mereka. Kita sangat bermasalah saat ini karena buruh-buruh kita terkenal malas, mahal dan tidak giat. Itu menurut riset. Empat bulan aku belajar analisa lingkungan bisnis, semua bersikukuh pada satu hal, kita tidak boleh bodoh. Pendidikan adalah nomor satu.
Aku bukanlah orang yang suka untuk menyalahkan hal eksternal dan duduk diam.
Ada satu ideku untuk knowledge gap. Bukalah saluran internet seluas-luasnya. Ajarkan orang kita IT. Ajarkan mereka sehingga mereka menjadi pandai, mampu untuk bersaing dan menang, bukan menghapal bahasa program tua yang tidak dipakai siapapun di dunia ini.
Lalu ajarkan mereka hukum, tata negara, sosial, sehingga mereka mengerti seperti apa seharusya negara itu dijalankan. Orang-orang pintar negri ini seharusnya menjadi pemimpin di legislatif dan yudikatif, bukan buruh di perusahaan besar negara yang merugi.
Lalu ajarkan mereka seni negara ini, sehingga mereka cinta pada negara ini.
Aku tidak suka informasi ditutup-tutupi. Biarkanlah mereka melihat apa yang terjadi di luar sana, sehingga mereka akan bertanya apa yang terjadi di dalam sini.
Aku tidak tergila2 pada IT, tapi itu adalah sarana yang paling murah untuk menebus ketinggalan kita.
Aku tidak ingin buruh kita berhenti bekerja, tapi aku melihat sesuatu di balik RUU ini yang memberikan harapan.
Kita butuh investasi luar negri. Kalau kamu masih mau teriak merdeka, lihatlah sekelilingmu, pikir keras-keras, baru pertimbangkan untuk masih berteriak merdeka. Kita saling terkait, semua negara tidak bisa berdiri sendiri.
Sekarang, kita tidak terlihat menarik. Kita berusaha untuk menjual potensi di negara kita untuk memperoleh devisa, seperti tukang nasi goreng. Memberikan kepastian pada, salah satunya, kinerja dan kualitas buruh adalah salah satu hal yang dibutuhkan membuat nasi goreng kita menjadi lebih menarik. Kalau nasi goreng kita menarik, banyak yang beli. Kalau banyak yang beli, buruh akan dapat kerjaan. Kita tidak perlu menggarongi perusahaan2 kecil yang tinggal dan memaksa mereka untuk menciptakan lapangan padat karya.
Jadi, akhir dari RUU ini adalah makin banyak pekerjaan.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Barang Palsu

Sebuah acara di radio barusan membahas mengenai pembajakan di Indonesia. Pembahasan mereka sepertinya berusaha membujuk pendengarnya agar malu memakai barang bajakan dalam bentuk apapun.
Aku terpikir, kenapa hal seperti itu harus menjadi pertanyaan? Kita memilih barang-barang tersebut karena secara value, mereka lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan barang-barang aslinya.
Value tidak berarti harga. Value bisa berwujud rasa bangga, keuntungan service yang diperoleh dengan pembelian produk asli dan seterusnya. Jika barang asli dan palsu tersebut adalah brand yang berbeda untuk kategori produk yang sama, mungkin aku dapat memberikan pemahaman yang sederhana.
Bagaimana cara mendorong konsumen untuk memilih satu brand dibandingkan brand lainnya? Tunjukkan dan bujuk mereka untuk mengerti dan menghargai value, seperti kualitas (motor jepang itu lebih tahan lama dari motor cina) atau servis (notebook dengan jaringan servis nasional dapat memberikan layanan dalam wilayah yang lebih luas daripada servis satu toko). Jika value ini dipersepsikan lebih berharga daripada beda rupiah yang harus dikeluarkan, maka brand yang satu akan dipilih daripada brand lainnya.
Contoh value yang lain adalah jika kita membeli satu merk dompet seharga berpuluh-puluh juta, kita mendapatkan membership di country club mewah, atau menggunakan membeli buku di toko buku tertentu akan mendedahkan kita pada potongan harga untuk buku-buku tertentu, undangan untuk penandatangan buku best seller, pembacaan buku oleh author atau acara lainnya yang dapat dibuat ekslusif.
Dari sudut pandang pemerintah, dapat diberlakukan regulasi yang didukung dengan punishment yang keras bagi pengedar, penjual dan pemakai barang-barang tersebut.
Lalu bagaimana dengan barang-barang yang tadinya murah dan accessible ke publik? Apakah kita akan rugi dengan technological dan knowledge divide? Tentu saja kita akan rugi, jika gap itu tidak diisi. Kita tidak akan mampu menikmati film-film dengan harga murah di DVD kita, kita tidak akan mampu untuk menikmati barang-barang dengan brand terkenal di dunia dengan harga murah. Tapi itu berarti berjuta-juta penduduk Indonesia lainnya akan mengalami hal yang sama. Kita akan mengalami deprivasi/kelaparan terhadap hal-hal tersebut.
Lalu apa intinya?
Tidakkah kamu melihatnya? Dengan banyak orang membutuhkan hal yang sama, ini menciptakan pasar yang besar, CUKUP BESAR untuk membuat produsen dan distributor produk-produk tadi untuk menyadari opportunity cost yang terjadi dengan mempertahankan harga yang terlalu mahal tadi. Coba, 2 juta penduduk Jakarta saja, yang tidak punya dan membutuhkan dompet, itu berarti sudah terjual 3 juta dompet 20-ribuan ke tangan penjual dompet palsu di mal-mal. Itu berarti bisnis 40 milyar sudah pindah tangan hanya karena produkmu tidak ada value yang bisa me counter harga murah tersebut. 4 juta USD itu duit yang banyak, dimanapun.
Ada berapa mahasiswa ekonomi di Indonesia membutuhkan buku Corporate Finance nya Ross dalam satu tahun? Contoh kecil, ada 30 mahasiswa di kelasku, dan 100-an mahasiswa di sekolah bisnis istriku. Aku kalikan saja sepuluh untuk Indonesia, itu berarti 1300 eksemplar. 1300 kali 80-an halaman, dengan 100 rupiah per halaman di tukang fotokopi depok berarti. Yang kutahu, toko buku di kampusku, dengan surat pemberitahuan bahwa buku tertentu akan digunakan (belum pasti dibeli, lho) sebagai buku wajib, dapat menurunkan harga suatu buku menjadi 1/5 harga jual awalnya. Bayangkan potongan seperti apa yang dapat mereka tawarkan dengan pasar 1300 buku, 1 mata kuliah, 1 semester? Temenku di S-1 dulu berhasil mendapatkan edisi istimewa dengan bekerjasama dengan penerbit buku cabang singapur, untuk menghasilkan buku asli yang berbeda 20000 dibandingkan dengan harga buku fotokopi. Beda 20000 dan mereka mendapatkan akses online ke situs buku tersebut beserta CDnya. Bukankah itu value yang menarik?
Apakah kamu bisa mulai merasakan besarnya pasar barang-barang 'tidak asli' ini? Menurutku, dengan 'melindungi' distribusi barang-barang palsu, pasar kita justru menjadi tidak menarik bagi produsen apapun produk asli, karena pasar yang segitu besar hanya terbuang begitu saja, mereka tidak akan mampu untuk bersaing. Kita juga akan rugi, karena tidak akan pernah merasakan value suatu produk selain versi palsunya. Kita juga akan sulit untuk merasakan servis atau kualitas yang sebenarnya. Jangan hanya berpikir kita akan kehilangan opsi untuk membeli barang lebih murah, menurutku justru hal ini akan membuka pasar yang sangat bagus untuk mempertahankan devisa di Indonesia, melalui produk-produk Indonesia. Dengan dilindungi dari barang-barang asal jadi dan berharga terlalu murah, pengusaha kita akan dapat bersaing dengan membuat produk yang berkualitas di level harga yang menarik untuk mereka juga.
Lho? Kan cuma 5000? 20000? Hehehe.. 1 juta aja mengkonsumsi barang seperti itu, sudah berapa?
Apa ya, yang harganya 5000 dan konsumsinya mungkin lebih dari 1 juta setiap tahun? 5 juta setiap tahun? 10 juta setiap tahun?
Jadi di mana pendapatku? Aku pro untuk meregulasikan anti-barang bajakan dan penegakan yang sepenuhnya terhadap regulasi tersebut, karena itu berarti industri kita akan kembali mempunyai pasar untuk produk mereka, dan mereka akan punya margin yang cukup untuk memikirkan kualitas, sehingga kita akan memperoleh produk yang lebih baik dari palsu dan berada di posisi produksi selain hanya konsumen.
Tidak ada nomer Yahoo! untuk daerah richmond, va.


Tarif Yahoo! lebih murah dibandingkan dengan Skype
untuk menelpon jakarta dan us. Tapi, kedua-duanya dibawah 1000 perak. Memberikan perspektif, kira-kira berapa murahnya tarif informasi itu.

Kartun Iran vs. UN


I Agree With You, Completely By Jack Shafer:
Penelitian mengenai apa yang akan cenderung dimuat di dalam media dalam keadaan tertentu.

Monday, April 03, 2006

npl tertinggi muslim?

Ini hanyalah kabar burung saja, tapi aku rasa ingin kukembangkan menjadi suatu tulisan yang bermakna. Aku baru saja mendengar kabar bahwa npl (kredit macet) tertinggi di indonesia itu adalah oleh pengusaha2 (pengusaha2 ya.. bukan 1 orang) muslim. Menurut kabar yang sama, yang paling taat mengembalikan adalah pengusaha hindu. Hm.. Aku sangat tertarik pada pendekatan matematis untuk mengerti behavior seperti steven levitt di freakonomics.

Kartun presiden SBY

Artikel tanggal 1 april di blog ini menggambarkan dua kartun yang kontroversial. Tanggalnya membuatku ragu, soalnya aku belum lihat yang Rakyat Merdeka sebelumnya.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Music (Fire and Rain)

Cerita mengenai James Taylor dan lagunya "Fire and Rain" sangat simpang siur, namun lagunya amat melegenda. I'd like to share that with my Indira.
Urban Legends Reference Pages: Music (Fire and Rain)

Friday, March 24, 2006


Katanya keberuntungan itu adalah kesempatan yang bertemu dengan kesiapan. Dengan cara pandang tersebut, berarti amat sulit untuk hanya menunggu kesempatan tanpa mempersiapkan diri dengan segala sesuatu yang dibutuhkan. Kalau memang belajar adalah salah satu bentuk mempersiapkan diri, bisa jadi kita pada umumnya menghabiskan diri kita mempersiapkan diri kita untuk kesempatan-kesempatan yang datang di hidup kita, dan evidently, kematian.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Berinti ganda

Dari tadi aku gatal ingin mengomentari situs ini. Kenapa nggak bilang aja Intel Core Duo? Itukan Brand, bukan sekedar bahasa? Sekalian aja kecil lunak kantor (m..soft office).

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Independent Online Edition > Media

Looks like Tom Cruise is also fighting furiously for his religion. IT'S ONLY CARTOON, TOM!!!! Be a SUPERMAN and grow a heart big enough to forget it. Independent Online Edition > Media

Kenapa aku memilih agamaku?

Aku memilih agamaku bukan karena aku takut akan menjadi pocong, atau tidak bisa diterima kubur atau seperti cerita horror lainnya. Melihat acara tersebut dan orang di dalamnya mengaku membela agamaku mengiris hatiku. Biarlah kupegang garis halus yang kuanggap sebagai jalan ke agamaku, karena jalan mereka terlalu goblok.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

MIT OpenCourseWare | OCW Home

Currently my favorite site. MIT OpenCourseWare | OCW Home


Situs ini menerangkan keadaan withdrawal yang diakibatkan oleh dosis konsumsi kopi yang menurutku, dalam takaran normal beberapa temanku. CAFFEINE WITHDRAWAL RECOGNIZED AS A DISORDER

High and Dry

Aku jadi teringat teman-teman yang sudah lama tidak kutemui. Apa kabar mereka semua?

Friday, March 10, 2006

INDOSAT M2 - Internet & Multimedia Services

indosat 'menjemput' pelanggan dari sektor telekomunikasi seluler untuk menjangkau produk internet mereka. langkah ini sangat strategis. sayang mereka sangat inovatif, telkom tidak berimbang. dalam keadaan di mana kompetisi terlalu jauh, yang rugi adalah konsumen.


Thursday, March 09, 2006

Triangle Area ColdFusion User Group Blog

I hope it is useful.


O'Reilly Radar > Entrepreneurial Proverbs

Nice touch



Teman harus dua arah. Orang yang kupedulikan tapi tidak memperdulikanku bukanlah temanku, dan di kali depan tidak akan kupedulikan lagi, seberapapun dia membutuhkan kepedulian orang lain.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

"Indonesia Inc"(Bersatu Padu) - Senin, 20 Februari 2006

"Di satu pihak, Departemen Perindustrian menekankan pada pemanfaatan komoditas biji kakao sebagai bahan baku bagi industri cokelat. Di lain pihak, Departemen Pertanian lebih memprioritaskan pengembangan komoditas kakao untuk ekspor."

Mungkin mereka perlu lebih intens dalam berkomunikasi.