Menonton film itu, aku patah hati dengan kenyataan yang dihadapi oleh para istri lelaki penganut paham poligami. Memang bukan urusanku untuk mencampuri urusan keluarga mereka, toh mereka sudah memilih kenyataan mereka masing-masing (untuk yang tidak memilih, mereka punya pilihan untuk keluar dari situasi itu). Aku hanya patah hati karena yang dijadikan alasan adalah : "Daripada zina." Seolah-olah pilihannya hanya ada dua: suami beristri lagi atau berzina. Aku usulkan pilihan ketika aja, potong p***snya!! Toh aku pernah membaca kasus tersebut di US, seorang istri tidak terima suaminya memiliki WIL, lalu dengan tenangnya, ketika akan coitus, p***snya dipotong. Trus dibawa jalan-jalan ke highway, trus dilempar keluar. Hahahaha. Dari banyak hal yang kuterima dari kebudayaan US, itu adalah salah satu yang paling kuat: pilihan. Aku tidak menolak poligami, aku hanya menekankan bahwa para istri HARUS setuju. Kalau sudah setuju, aku diem deh.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Apa Kata Bintang
Lagu Gita Gutawa yang ini membuatku seperti mencari sesuatu yang hilang di dalam hidupku. Kita selalu merasa ada yang kurang di dalam hidup kita, aku pernah membaca itu adalah salah satu perasaan yang dirasakan oleh semua orang di dunia. Apa yang kita cari, Gita?
Friday, April 27, 2007
Tebet Sore Song
I hereby declare Gita Gutawa's "Apa Kata Bintang" as a Tebet Sore song. Another songs that falls into the Tebet Sore song are Sherina's "Aku Beranjak Dewasa" and "Click clock" .
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Drew Barrymore
No matter how old Drew Barrymore is, I could never tell her age. She'd still look like that girl I saw on E.T.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
DVDs and software
This link shows Sony proclaiming that pirated Spiderman 3 DVDs in China are indeed, fake. Though I was looking for that first laugh, you can follow the link and still have the second, more appropriate laugh. Anyway, they boast that pirated DVDs are available for less than $1. Well, here in Jakarta, look long enough or ask around far enough, you'll find that DVDs are sold for $0.67, free a DVD for each 10 purchases. You can't blame the demand, here. Everybody in the world would love to get some DVDs for cheaper prices; I know that because I've seen some expatriate wondering around with amazed and hunger eyes scavenging in pirated software and DVD stores. Blame the supply and all the enabling factors. And no more "It's too expensive, we can't afford it." I've seen older DVDs sold for $1.67—count them, one point six seven US dollars or fifteen thousand rupiahs—in Disc Tarra's. Sure, newer ones are about ten times the price, but the prices decreases to the said price. I'm sure the government would like to get some tax from DVD movies and CD software, and there isn't a price too cheap for the DVD distributors and software maker, it is a lot better than getting ripped off. And we could get around to appreciating everybody's effort, including our own software house, such as Andal, or animations of folk stories from Elex Media Komputindo. I'm sure we have more of those, and I think now is the best time ever to start appreciating them and paying them the respect they deserve. Computers are getting cheaper; we sell more laptop than branded PC. You can't force people to spend something they don't have, but give them reasonable price; most people would do the right thing.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Beberapa ide berguna dari lifehacker
Pake kertas untuk membuat dompet, remove dent with dry ice, self-adhesive velcro to stick lens cap, use paper for gift box, turn etch a sketch into a picture fram with photoshopped pictures, kill bugs with dishwashing soap and water spray, use newspaper for biodegradable seed-starting pots, clean dishwasher with kool-aid (citric acid), waterproof electronics with condom, use steps for leverage from 2x4s to get a clear display of everything in cabinet.
Semuanya ada di sini. Ini salah satu situs wajib di Google Readerku.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Sistem Pengamanan Baru DPR
Karena kita tidak bisa sembarangan membiarkan orang masuk ke ruang sidang dan menelurkan Undang-Undang saat anggota dewan lainnya sedang.. tidur? Nevertheless, kartu adalah pengamanan yang paling lemah, karena bisa dipindahtangankan. Kenapa nggak sekalian sidik jari, jejak retina, biar ketahuan siapa yang masuk ke ruang sidang dan siapa yang tidak?
Tapi aku nggak begitu terpengaruh. Buang2 aja 200 milyar setahun, 300 milyar. Toh nggak ada yang protes. Asal jangan beli laptop yang 20 juta itu, ya. J
The thing about revelation, aufklarung and insights is that they are perception based. It cannot be commoditized. There is no certainty that it would work the same way for all people. So what should one say to closed ones upon finding a revelation? "You should've been there?"
Friday, April 20, 2007
Today I see the world through different eyes. I will never be the same. Today I still have the same heart. I will always be the same.
Happy birthday to me
Today I turned 30. Today I will find my center and find what 30 means.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Ethanol hurts ozone
This hurts the main reason ethanol exist.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Nagabonar 2
Ed menulis secara optimis mengenai film ini. Aku, Emon, Hendra dan Dedet akan nonton sabtu ini di PH jam 3. Moga-moga teman-teman yang lain bisa ikutan.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Financially and mentally independent
This link show an opinion of an Indonesian Blogger about another Indonesian Blogger who decided to be.. well.. a Blogger.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Rumah di Aceh
Rumah seperti ini yang mungkin dibutuhkan di Aceh.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Women Risk Rape to Find Food
I don't know what to say. Women Risk Rape to Find Food on Front Lines of Darfur Civil War
Monday, April 02, 2007
Up my face
Playing basketball after decades of not and suffering the consequence the next day, I was shoved with a reality that one of my best friend is facing everyday. I have greater respect to him now, as a friend and as a human being. My pain is nothing compared to him. I wish I will never forget this lesson.