Saturday, January 19, 2008

14 weeks

Hari ini bayinya sudah kelihatan nendang dan meninju2.

How your baby's growing:

This week's big developments: Your baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb! Thanks to brain impulses, his facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another. His kidneys are producing urine, which he releases into the amniotic fluid around him — a process he'll keep up until birth. He can grasp, too, and if you're having an ultrasound now, you may even catch him sucking his thumb.

In other news: Your baby's stretching out. From head to bottom, he measures 3 1/2 inches — about the size of a lemon — and he weighs 1 1/2 ounces. His body's growing faster than his head, which now sits upon a more distinct neck. By the end of this week, his arms will have grown to a length that's in proportion to the rest of his body. (His legs still have some lengthening to do.) He's starting to develop an ultra-fine, downy covering of hair, called lanugo, all over his body. Your baby's liver starts making bile this week — a sign that it's doing its job right — and his spleen starts helping in the production of red blood cells. Though you can't feel his tiny punches and kicks yet, your little pugilist's hands and feet (which now measure about 1/2 inch long) are more flexible and active.

See what's going on in your uterus this week.

Note: Every baby develops a little differently — even in the womb. Our information is designed to give you a general idea of your baby's development.

tv layar lebar

Dedet dan aku sedang menunggu giliran dokter ketika kita memperhatikan acara di trans. Melly G sedang nyanyi lagu Bunda. Dedet nanya, "kok orangnya lebar, ya?"
"Perbedaan perbandinga rasio tv dg format di siaran," jawabku dalam hati (aku sering menjawab atau memulai pembicaraan dg Dedet dalam hati :D).
Lalu aku menyambung pembicaraan ke Dedet dengan verbal. "Iya, ya. Kenapa sih tv layar lebar itu nggak menyesuaikan diri dengan format biasa kalau siarannya nggak layar lebar, ya?" Dedet udah terbiasa, langsung ngerti.
Iya, ya. Dasar tv2 bodoh :p

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Air Minum

Situs ini memberikan keterangan mengenai beberapa cara filterisasi air dan komentar mengenai cara filtrasi tersebut. Beberapa hal yang mengejutkanku:
1. Memasak air adalah cara yang sangat membuang energi.
2. Bila melakukan reverse osmosis, mineral di dalam air hilang. Air yang tidak memiliki mineral justru sangat berbahaya karena menjadi lebih agresif (apakah justru air minum botol yang tidak memiliki mineral dapat membahayakan kita?)
3. Filtrasi menggunakan ultra violet (terdapat alat seperti bolpen yang digunakan untuk memfiltrasi gelas) sangat sulit untuk diukur keberhasilannya, karena memerlukan peralatan yang rumit.
4. Salah satu cara filtrasi yang sederhana adalah menggunakan aquarium charcoal. Bagian bawah halaman ini menunjukkan keterangan membuatnya.
5. Dari beberapa kota besar di US, terdapat banyak bahan berbahaya di dalam air minum mereka, termasuk pestisida dan logam berat.

Biasanya jarak air sumur dan septic tank minimal 10 meter. Artikel ini menunjukkan variabel lain yang dapat melanggar aturan tersebut.

Resistance is futile

This year (too late for resolutions?) I will stop resisting whatever that comes to me. I will embrace my path and just go wild with it. You will see me dancing in the rain this year. I urge you to stop marking your negative view of life and focus instead on the positive views and goals. Let's see how I can top last year (I made more money last year than all I did two years before by more than tenfold. Difficult? Appearantly not).
Join me? Face your fear and laugh at it. Embrace your life. I dare you.