Friday, January 15, 2010

A Look Forward, Some Predictions for 2010 | Futurelab – An international marketing strategy consultancy

A Look Forward, Some Predictions for 2010 | Futurelab – An international marketing strategy consultancy

Some guidelines for future brands experience.

Why Are We Surprised?

Why Are We Surprised?:

This article discussed Tiger Wood's, and any other famous men's, sex scandals in Psychology Today.
Apparently, the underlying motives for men is to do anything is to get laid. This is very interesting.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Can't buy me love

Money surely is not the answer to happiness. But to be able to find happiness you have to be, among other things, well fed, well rested and not trouble to fulfill any basic needs. You also need to limit yourself to only have secondary and tertiary needs to the amount that you can afford. After these needs are met, then you can talk about helping others or making a difference.
In a world were most of these things can't be met by sheer barters, you need a worldly accepted barter agent. That's money, generally.
So, if you think that your life starts when you can actually do that thing that you dream your whole life, start gathering enough money to fulfill anything that you and your family could possibly need now and in the future. Then you can start living. Or, you can start acknowledging this fact and stop lying to yourself. This process, where you moan and whine about not enough money, is a part of your life. Don't discredit it. Live with what you have, be thankful of what you've gain and what you've learned (the hard way). Cherish your family and friends and motivate yourself to try harder and still muster enough energy to be thankful everyday.
Don't miss your life just because you think you're trying to get your life.