Situs ini memberikan analisa gratis terhadap suatu nama. Ketika kumasukkan nama cosmic, analisanya pas: cosmis magistrate. Kalau ditambah jadi Cosmic Indira jadi berubah,
Namaku berarti the Magician, isinya benar2 seperti yang sedang kuhadapi, sesuai dengan doa seorang pendeta filipina (menurut temanku), jadi isinya masih menjengkelkan buatku.
"Name Number 7
The Magician - You will have to pass many tests before you come to the realization of your highest purpose in life. Appearance can be deceiving and you must learn the difference between the real and unreal, lasting values and the evanescent evaluation. The secrets of the universe may be opened to you and the mystic initiation is great within you. Study, prayer and meditation are the paths to your development. Eventually, you will evolve as an understanding and sympathetic individual with a great heart and noble soul. You may have many obstacles to overcome, however your determination to develop and evolve will give you the highest life rewards."
Susah amat sih. And I still won't have in any other way.
Dedet's, alah: Cosmic Orator. Cosmic lagi. Gila, jangan2 Dedet jadi dukun dan menerima hidayah bahwa nama bayi kita harusnya cosmic. Benar2 cosmic. Ayin, gimana ini?
Name Number 5
A Cosmic Orator – It is your purpose in life to spread the word, the word that will release men from bondage. This will cause revolution for the end of tolerance and freedom to be reached. Before your goal is reached, you will have many experiences and will travel to many places. Struggling against your destiny will make you impulsive and disagreeable in a vociferous way. Adaptability is your trait; make use of it to reach your goal.
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