Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Saturday, December 13, 2008


There's life in the smallest form. there's love in the simplest form.
There's answer in the most universal understanding.

"How do I look?
Like a new mom. Scared sh*tless."

I'm really lucky to have Dedet and Ravi.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Milestone in 1 - 6 months babies

Milestone chart: One to six months

What to expect from your baby at this stage.

Child's AgeMastered Skills (most children can do)Emerging Skills (half of children can do)Advanced Skills (a few children can do)
One monthLifts head
• Responds to sound
Stares at faces
• Follows objects
• Ooohs and ahhs
• Can see black-and-white patterns
• Smiles
• Laughs
• Holds head at 45-degree angle
Two months• Vocalises sounds - gurgling and cooing
• Follows objects
Holds head up for short periods
Smiles, laughs
• Holds head at 45-degree angle
• Movements become smoother
• Holds head steady
• Bears weight on legs
• May lift head and shoulder (mini-pushup)
Three months• Laughs
• Holds head steady
Recognises your face and scent
• Squeals, gurgles, coos
• Recognises your voice
• Does mini-pushups
• Turns towards loud sounds
• Can bring hands together and may bat at toys
• Can roll over
Four months• Holds head up steadily
• Can bear weight on legs
• Coos when you talk to him
• Can grasp a toy
• Reaches out for objects
• Can roll over
• Imitates speech sounds - baba, dada
• May cut first tooth
Five months• Can distinguish between bold colours
• Can roll over
• Amuses himself by playing with hands and feet
• Turns towards new sounds
• Recognises own name
• May sit momentarily without support
• Mouths objects
Stranger anxiety may begin
• May be ready for solids
Six months• Turns towards sounds and voices
Imitates sounds, blows bubbles
• Rolls in both directions
• Reaches for objects and mouths them
• Sits without support
• Is ready for solids
• May lunge forward or start crawling
• May jabber or combine syllables
• May drag object towards himself

What to expect on 5 months old babies

5 month old, first week

How your baby's growing

Your baby can't express his emotions in the same complex way that you can. Although he can let you know in clear ways when he's angry, bored or happy, his ability to show love and humour are just developing. Your baby also shows a strong attachment to you by raising his arms when he wants to be picked up and by crying when you leave the room. He may also give you hugs and kisses.

He'll laugh at funny expressions and try to make you laugh, too. Keep the laughter flowing with your silly faces!

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Let’s play

Two great games for you and your baby to play this week.

Your life: sex as new parents

Finding the time and energy for sex as new parents is challenging enough. And then there's the small matter of the third party in your room or down the hall, ready to wail at the least opportune moment. But with a little planning and effort, anything is possible!

Flirt. Flirting isn't the same as foreplay. It's sexual play without the intention of immediate sexual activity. Flirting with your partner (in person, on the phone, or by e-mail, for example) helps both of you get in the mood.

Time it right. You don't always have to "sleep when the baby sleeps." At nap time or bedtime after your baby's had a busy session of play or outside activity, you can feel pretty assured that your baby will sleep for at least an hour.

Make a "date." You don't have to dress up and go out — simply plan ahead to stay in. When you're parents, sharing massages or taking a shower together while the baby sleeps count as dates.

Keep a sense of humour. Be ready for things not to go as usual. If you're breastfeeding, for instance, you may see some milk leak or spray (so have a towel handy). If your baby does start to cry, don't rush to her rescue; wait a few minutes to see if she settles back to sleep. If she does settle down, you may find that the mood has been broken anyway. Don't call the whole thing off. Start back with slow, gentle foreplay and see what happens.

Parent tip: shopping secrets

"When buying round neck or polo-neck tops for your baby, make sure they have poppers at the neck. It makes it easier and a lot less painful getting it over your baby's head. Also, the long ones with poppers between the legs are best because they stay tucked in." - EKB
Share your tips.

Hot topics this week

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Sunday, November 30, 2008

American Splendor

The movie have stayed as one of my all time favorite. I love the tone that the movie brings, asides from the topic, jazz and common life.
The movie stays sideways for the whole time, but you have glimps of hope in its little scenes.
The scenery reminds me of my time during winter in Richmond, VA. It was melancholic and romantic. I miss those days sometime.

Foto Mama Ravi dulu

Foto Mama Ravi waktu dulu.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hard question about love and simplest answer

How do you know that you've found love?
When you don't need to look out for one anymore.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Ninja, Pirate or Zombie: What’s Your Attitude to Work?

The Ninja Attitude

The Ninja is sickeningly efficient. He gets up at five am. He reads blogs about “life-hacking”. He custom-codes his own Firefox plugins. He multitasks by listening to audiobooks at triple speed whilst jogging to work. He sets up complicated systems to manage every aspect of his lifeHe knows twenty uses for a paperclip. His computer is, frankly, a bit terrifying.

You might be a Ninja if people have said:

  • “I don’t know how you get so much done.”
  • “Why do you need three computer screens?”
  • “What do you mean, hack a moleskine notebook?”

You can escape the Ninja trap by:

  • Unsubscribing from blogs with “hack” in their name.
  • Taking some time out to focus on the big picture (even if that means letting the emails pile up for a while).
  • Remembering that “fun” isn’t usually found on a to-do list.

The Pirate Attitude

The Pirate lives life on his terms. He rolls out of bed late (and questions why the rum is all gone). He doesn’t work unless he wants to. If this leads to client or boss issues, he’s always got an excuse and a cheeky grin. He’s driven by profit, and won’t waste time on anything that doesn’t make money immediately. He cuts corners, drops commitments, ignores emails and rarely answers the phone. If it’s not fun and/or profitable, he won’t do it.

You might be a Pirate if people have said:

  • “I don’t mean to rush you, but you said we could have it three months ago…”
  • “Is that ethical? Is that even legal?”
  • “You %&*$!”

You can escape the Pirate trap by:

  • Being willing to put in hard work for future, rather than immediate, monetary reward.
  • Focusing on good relationships with customers, clients and co-workers. (It’ll pay off in the long run.)
  • Thinking about your values. Are you really only driven by profit at all costs?

The Zombie Attitude

The Zombie is a model employee in many ways. He shows up bang on time. He gets on with the work assigned. He never asks for more work. He never asks for a pay rise or promotion. He never offers to take on anything outside his job remit. He never shows any initiative. His desk is unadorned with any personal items. He still uses Internet Explorer 6.

You might be a Zombie if people have said:

  • “This is a bit of a boring job, but I know you won’t mind.”
  • “You’ve been working here for twenty years?”
  • “What’s your name again?”

You can escape the Zombie trap by:

  • Waking up! Your work should be something that you’re passionate about (at least most of the time).
  • Thinking about what you really enjoy in life. What makes you feel fulfilled?
  • Taking a big step outside your comfort zone: quit your job, go travelling, live life.

What’s Your Work Style?

I could end this article with some supposedly perfect example of the right attitude to work (“the Superhero”, perhaps). But there isn’t one single way of working that suits everybody. The trick is to find your own style, to figure out what you want to get from your work – or what you want to contribute through it. That’ll depend a lot on what you value. Fortune? Fame? Family? Fun?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Konser Gitar Tunggal Jubing di Bandung

One of Indonesia's Legend in classical guitar is playing in Bandung, euy. Bisa nggak ya, Det?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I think I love my wife

Best quote of the day:

I think I love my wife
I know exactly what I want
I want a woman that not only will fight with me, but for me
a woman I can go to war with, who will drag me and my kids out alive
a woman that can see the good in me, when I can't even see it myself

i know you're here

Hanya Steve Vai yang bisa membuat gitar menangis. Harus ada kata kerja baru untuk objek gitar selain memainkan dan hanya Vai yang bisa jadi subjek.

i know you're here

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How Mandee explains my current browsing condition

"Everything we use have to go through that wall, which is that f*king wall."
Well put :D Poor Mandee. Poor us.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Selamat hari pahlawan.

Ada perubahan?
Ada. Banyak. Taraf hidup kita jauh berubah dari sebelum merdeka, selama orde baru, maupun pasca. Alhamdulillah, bagus jeleknya, semua pemimpin kita membawa suatu perubahan positif ke Indonesia. Sepuluh tahun yang lalu, rasanya sulit membayangkan Indonesia dipenuhi dengan orang-orang yang sebebas sekarang. Kita bisa protes kapan saja, kita bisa mengontak langsung presiden, kita bisa pilih presiden langsung (amerika aja nggak, lho).
Indonesia menjadi semakin muda, dan suara kita semua semakin didengar. Untuk melakukan perubahan, langkah yang diperlukan semakin sedikit.
Ada yang dapat diperbaiki? Ada. Dan yang paling penting adalah, apa yang dilakukan untuk merubah hal itu.
I set a high hope in other people also. Let's go, Indonesia!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Happiliy trotting back to Ravi

I wonder what he's doing now. I wish I can tell him all my stories now.
I remembered what my "other" Mom, Dee, used to say. She would send out happy thoughts to her children. Well, here I am, sending happy thoughts to everybody "up" there, as well as Ravi and Dedet.
I'm really thankful that I still have both of my parents and Ravi still has all of his grandparents.
(Up: US slang, used to point a place located north from the current location).

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Vicarious learning

Norwegians build a hidrogen powered transportation infrastructure to accomodate their need for a better and user friendly transportation solution. The Koreans are accepting sport computer games as new sports. So many things going on, I feel exhausted just thinking about it. But they give me hope that people are doing better things, building things to better themselves. I hope I can study from that, bettering my life and others. I also remember that one of the creator of a famous city car, subaru 360, wanted to create that car so that everybody can afford a car and at the same time he can afford one to carry his disabled wife. I wish I can create something to better Dedet and Ravi's life.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Otoritas China Tutup-tutupi Soal Telur Bermelamin

Dari Detik:

Otoritas daerah di China ternyata telah merahasiakan adanya telur-telur yang mengandung melamin selama beberapa minggu. Namun akhirnya masalah itu dibongkar oleh otoritas Hong Kong. (

Disayangkan, Pelaku Industri Lebih Memilih Teknologi Impor

Menurut Agus, Iluni FTUI juga menyayangkan pemilihan teknologi untuk industri baik oleh BUMN maupun swasta di Indonesia hanya berdasarkan pertimbangan harga murah. (,-pelaku-industri-lebih-memilih-teknologi-impor)
Yes, ILUNI, boo-hoo, poor you. But what are you going to DO about it? That's what I would like to know.

Jangan bilang kalau companies yang price aware itu tidak patriotis. Make it cheaper. Kalau nggak bisa, make imported goods more expensive. Itu tugas pemerintah.
Tadi siang ngomong dengan teman, kalau saja Indonesia keukeuh untuk bikin standar komunikasi sendiri untuk ponsel, maka Indonesia punya kesempatan untuk memproduksi jaringan dan ponselnya sendiri untuk kepentingan domestik. Bayangkan berapa trilyun yang tidak akan jadi mengalir ke luar negeri. 200 juta orang akan membeli produk Indonesia.

Jadi, pemerintah, jangan cuma maksa pendudukmu saja yang cinta produk Indonesia membabi buta. Give them A REASON. Insentif pajak, cash back, sesuatu yang menguntungkan mereka juga. Orang akan ikut, kok. Kita nggak tolol2 amat kok, kita juga pengen Indonesia maju.

In NO WAY, my bilingual display my nationality by heart. My inability to express myself better in Indonesian is another topic which I would like to blame other factors, also.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

And so it goes, after years of searching

It has been years since first I've heard this song (long since Google, apparently). I felt the longing in this song, but fail to recall the full lyrics. The emptiness was all I could remember from this song.
Now, out of the blue, I remembered to look this song up.
Here it is: with the lyrics
Hearing it, now, again and again, I keep missing my Dedet. She's two feet away, sleeping soundly.

"But if my silence made you leave
Then that would be my worst mistake"

I feel soooo lucky.

Monday, October 13, 2008

150 best online flash game

This is,as they say, to kill time.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Just the Two of Us

Adih dedicated a song for me (
I like this song, Dih. I think every father would. It's strong and macho, but also sensitive. This should explain why there is no limit and no value to what a Dad would sacrifice for his son.
I decided to explain how the lyrics explain my (and other Dad's) feeling. When I wrote this, tears kept running. I felt so much truth in those tears.

From the first time the doctor placed you in my arms
I knew Id meet death before Id let you meet harm
==Exactly what I thought. Literally. Should Little Indira said so at that time, I would quit my job and just look at him forever. Thank God babies can't talk.

Although questions arose in my mind would I be man enough
Against wrong choose right and be standin up
==This is my primary fear. I feared this even before getting married, Tusi would vouch for it (

People drivin all fast got me kinda upset
Got you home safe placed you in your basonette
==I believe my thoughts were, "This is MY kid, you idiot!"

That night I dont think one wink I slept
==We started raising him on Ravi's second night. It was Hell, I couldn't sleep. That night, Dedet stop sleeping like a human and started sleeping like a Mom (I think the word Mom should be written with capital M, always). I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Touched your head gently felt my heart melt
Cause I know I loved you more than life itself
Then to my knees and I begged the lord please
Let me be a good daddy all he needs
Love knowledge discipline too
I pledge my life to you
==This fills all my attention. I know no other knowledge other than this now, everything else just blurr. Please, Lord.

Sometimes I wonder what you gonna be
A general a doctor maybe a mc
==Dedet and I ponder this all the time

Haha I wanna kiss you all the time
But I will touch that butt when you cut outta line trudat
==I started disciplining Ravi way before his first month. He will stop sucking his hands; lift his behind to easen my changing his diapers,; give me his right arm, left arm, right leg and left leg; easen his tantrum; be very tolerant to uncomfortable condition when I ask him, too. I respect him for that, I think he notices my respect. I feel his and my tolerance can compliment each other. If I'm stuck with something, I'll let him know. If he doesn't know the answer to specific technical analysis, which bacteries causes typhoid, what does the tenth dimension form like or who really started killing in the name of God, he would easen my tension so I would at least come to temporarily acceptable answers.
I don't like it when he test his Mom's tolerance. That's where I draw the line. I don't think twice, it's always his fault and he should pay for it.

I pledge to you I will always do
Everything I can
Show you how to be a man
Dignity integrity honor
==Dad's would try to implant some virtue that he holds dearly, just as Ravi's own consideration. He may choose his own when he wants, too. I hope honesty, integrity, honor and dignity will stay.

And I don't mind if you lose long as you came with it
And you can cry aint no shame it it
==I would make this a point. The strongest human cries, she still stays tough

One day some girls gonna break your heart
And ooh aint no pain like from the opposite sex
Gonna hurt bad but dont take it out on the next son
==He may pick his mistakes, I will try to hold his hand on this. His Dad had it pretty easy, that's no contest.

Throughout life people will make you mad
Disrespect you and treat you bad
Let God deal with the things they do
Cause hate in your heart will consume you too
==Ravi, you should hold this dearly

Always tell the truth say your prayers
Hold doors pull out chairs easy on the swears
Youre living proof that dreams do come true
I love you and Im here for you
==These are some virtues I teach him. I believe white lies are just lies. LI was born on our 5th anni, he shines our life. I'd like him to enlighten others as well as be a good friend. I'm sure he will be smart, he has fantastic genes.

Thank you, Adih.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Bang Oma

Kenapa sih orang khotbah pake echo? Apa mereka mau jadi Bang Oma, ya?
Di masjid yang kecil dan pendengar yang tersusun panjang ke belakang, seseorang memutuskan untuk meletakkan semua speaker di baris depan menghadap ke belakang.
Dari mulai khatib ngomong (teriak, ding. Dengan sound system yang seperti ini, dia msh mau treak), aku tidak bisa mendengar pikiranku sendiri, nggak usah mengerti kata khatib.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Guru yang Aneh

Ini terjadi pada tahun 1998 di sebuah SMUN di Jakarta. Kelas 1-7 sedang tidak ada guru, ribut… Seorang guru masuk kelas.

Guru Geografi/walikelas 1-7 : Ini kelas berapa sih?

Saya : (Terpana mendengar pertanyan sang guru)

Kelas 1-7 : Kelas 1-7 pak.. (Pelan-pelan bukan karena takut dimarahi tapi karena heran)

Guru Geografi/walikelas 1-7 : Ribut banget! Emang pelajaran apa?

Kelas 1-7 : Bahasa Indonesiaaaa…

Guru Geografi/walikelas 1-7 : Emang gurunya kemana?

Kelas 1-7 : Gak masuuuukkkk…

Guru Geografi/walikelas 1-7 : Gak ada tugas?

Kelas 1-7 : Gak ada…

Guru Geografi/walikelas 1-7 : Walikelasnya siapa sih?

Kelas 1-7 : (Diam terpana….)

Kelas 1-7 : (Pelan-pelan rada shok) kan bapak walikelas kita…

Guru Geografi/walikelas 1-7 : Oh.. Ya udah jangan ribut!

Guru geografi/walikelas 1-7 pergi meninggalkan kelas 1-7.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Evening at Ma Uwo

Ravi listens anxiously as Uni Meela reads him a story of Miko, some Japanese comic. Uda Alid is scouring for the latest cellphone. Khalisya sneeks around Ravi for a kiss, eyed cautiously by Ravi's Ayah and Mama. Ravi cycle his legs in the air occasionally shouting a vowel mimicking his Uni reading the story.
I can't imagine a better environment as loving as this. I have to agree with Hillary: it takes a village to raise your kids.
This is me, counting my blessings.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Melanin di susu

Susu impor Cina dilaporkan tdk begitu banyak tersedia di Indonesia, namun banyak sekali untuk produk turunan, permen. Waspadai permen susu berbungkus putih. Safe holiday, everybody.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Before off to work, Ravi gave me a sign of hope. Later, little star shines my day. The enlightenment is giving me hope to last through today. I would like to start today by shouting: "Fighting!" though I hate the notion that life is a struggle (it should be a blessing). I hope everyone who is down to have the same hope and encouragement as I am having today, now. Get up, Get busy.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

How one bank avoided bankruptcy

It pays to be conservative (

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008

Best quote for today

I'm your best friend, I'll tell you whatever you want me to.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Sahabat Kecil

Setiap kali mendengar lagu ini, aku seperti tersadar kehilangan sesuatu yang sangat berarti. Ke mana perginya teman2 ku? Sebagian hilang karena salahku, sebagian karena salah mereka, sebagian tidak kuketahui sebabnya.

Tapi sedih sekali merasa kehilangan mereka.

"kau jauh melangkah
melewati batas waktu
menjauh dariku
akankah kita berjumpa kembali

sahabat kecilku
masihkah kau ingat aku
saat kau lantunkan
segala cita dan tujuan mulia

tak ada satu pun masa
seindah saat kita bersama
bermain-main hingga lupa waktu
mungkinkah kita kan mengulangnya

tiada… tiada lagi tawamu
yang slalu menemani sgala sedihku
tiada… tiada lagi candamu
yang slalu menghibur disaat ku lara

bila malam tiba
ku slalu mohonkan doa
menjaga jiwa mu
hingga suatu masa bertemu lagi

tiada… tiada lagi tawamu
yang slalu menemani sgala sedihku
tiada… tiada lagi candamu
yang slalu menghibur disaat ku lara

sahabat kecilku
masihkah kau ingat aku"

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Nutition for Pregnancy

Mengingatkan kalau sedang hamil itu perlu mengkonsumsi nutrisi di bawah ini (
Dedet waktu itu mengkonsumsi asam folik, some other vitamins B's dan omega 3,6,9 (yang terakhir, thanks to Bang Ucok's advice).


A balanced, nutritious diet is an important aspect of a healthy pregnancy. If the woman is healthy, balancing carbohydrates, fat, and proteins, and eating a variety of fruits and vegetables usually ensure good nutrition. Those whose diets are affected by health issues, religious requirements, or ethical beliefs may choose to consult a health professional for specific advice.

Adequate periconceptional folic acid (also called folate or Vitamin B9) intake has been proven to limit fetal neural tube defects, preventing spina bifida, a very serious birth defect. The neural tube develops during the first 28 days of pregnancy and this explains the necessity to guarantee adequate periconceptional folate intake.[34][35] Folates (from folia, leaf) are abundant in spinach (fresh, frozen or canned), and are also found in green vegetables, salads, melon, hummus, and eggs. In the United States and Canada, most wheat products (flour, noodles) are fortified with folic acid.[36]

Several micronutrients are important for the health of the developing fetus, especially in areas of the world where insufficient nutrition is prevalent.[37] In developed areas, such as Western Europe and the United States, certain nutrients such as Vitamin D and calcium, required for bone development, may require supplementation.[38][39][40]

There is some evidence that long-chain omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids have an effect on the developing fetus, but further research is required.[41] At this time, supplementing the diet with foods rich in these fatty acids is not recommended, but is not harmful.[42]

Dangerous bacteria or parasites may contaminate foods, particularly listeria and toxoplasma, toxoplasmosis agent. Careful washing of fruits and raw vegetables may remove these pathogens, as may thoroughly cooking leftovers, meat, or processed meat. Soft cheeses may contain listeria, if milk is raw the risk may increase. Cat feces pose a particular risk of toxoplasmosis. Pregnant women are also more prone to catching salmonella infection from eggs and poultry, which should be thoroughly cooked. Practicing good hygiene in the kitchen can reduce these risks.[43]

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

pembayaran lewat sms

Daripada hanya memilih artis, kenapa tidak banyak pembayaran dilakukan lewat sms? Aku baru saja membeli voucher internet lewat sms, dan rasanya banyak sekali peluang yang dapat dilakukan fungsi kecil itu daripada berlangganan ringtone atau ramalan.

Depkeu and trains

Aku tadinya mau menulis betapa sebelnya aku dengan proses pendaftaran dan ujian Depkeu yang kunilai tidak efisien, dan proses pemesanan tiket kereta api yang masih bisa jauh lebih efisien dan tidak memakan waktu, tapi terlalu banyak emosi di beberapa draft pertamaku. Setelah menghapus yang kesekian kali, aku resolve dengan ini saja:
1. Daftar Depkeu: Isi form yang mengisi usia dan pendidikan terakhir (IPK juga, kalau harus). Yang memenuhi diberi akses untuk ujian online, logika, numerikal dan pengetahuan umum. Ambil secara normatif saja, sesuai kebutuhan (2%, 1%, 0,5%). Panggil yang itu, temui orangnya, focus group/group dynamics, tes presentasi dan wawancara dengan user. Terima yang perlu.
2. Pesan tiket kereta api: Pesan lewat sms. Untuk memesan satu tiket kereta api akan menghabiskan 2000 rupiah. Potong pulsa, dapat kursi. Pesan lewat telpon, lewat bank masing-masing. Pesat lewat internet, perlakukan seperti membeli pesawat terbang atau seperti membayar listrik.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Mengejar mas-mas dan Coyote Ugly

Tokoh wanita di kedua film harus melakukan pengorbanan untuk mendapatkan apa yang mereka perjuangkan. Be it hanya membayar hutang atau mengejar mimpi. Tapi mereka melakukan apa yang harus dilakukan, dan mereka berusaha terus. Aku tidak akan menilai apa yang mereka lakukan (melacur dan menjadi sensual bar tender), tapi aku kagum pada kegigihan mereka.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Waktu tidur Ayah dan Mama Ravi

Jam sepuluh, Mama bobo. Ayah masih kerja, dikit lagi Mama. Jam duabelas Ravi bangun, mimik. Ayah tidur deh, set alarm jam 4. Jam tiga Raving bangun, Ayah bilang tanggung ah. Ayah bangun jam 5, setelah Ravi bangun dan tidur beberapa kali, pipis mimik eek. Jam 5, Ravi bangun, ngusir Ayah ke kamar Nenek. Ayah tidur sampai jam 6. Ayah bangun, kerja, baru deh pergi. Ravi udah mau mandi, biasanya Uda Alil dan Uni Isya udah datang sama Mak Uwo. Ravi mandi matahari, baru mandi beneran. Dah Ayah, Ravi bobo dulu, sampai malam waktu Ayah pulang. Trus Mama bobo saat Ravi bangun. Another day.

Memutihkan gigi dg strawberry

Lagi iseng, dekat lift, ada saran membersihkan/memutihkan gigi dg strawberry. Gosokkan strawberry yg sdh dihancurkan, tunggu 2 menit. Trus sikat gigi seperti biasa.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

About cough

Stumbled upon these while looking around cough in Wiki.

"Coughing may also be used for social reasons, such as the coughing before giving a speech."

"Recent studies have found that theobromine, a compound found in cacao, is more effective as a cough suppressant than prescription codeine. This compound suppresses the "itch" signal from the nerve in the back of the throat that causes the cough reflex. It is possible to get an effective dose (1 g, though 0.5 g may be sufficient, according to PMID 15548587) from 50g of dark chocolate, which contains 2 to 10 times more cacao than milk chocolate. Cocoa powder contains roughly 0.1 g per tablespoon (5g).[3] Theobromine was also free from side effects in the blind tests.[4]"

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008

Some lyrics "Not one night"

I used to dream of only you, now I don't do that
I used to miss talking to you, now I don't do that

Kalimat itu kok rasanya menohok ya? Ah well.. ^_^

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Book of your life

Imagine reading a book about your life. What would you want it to be filled with, things that you regret you did, things that you regret you didn't do, things that you're glad you didn't do or things that you're glad you did?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Living with children

I found myself, 4 days after living with a child, questioning my time allocation. A friend had to part with his newborn after seeing him only less than an hour, another had to do so for some months. How do one part with his young?

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Dedet' journey

After a two days of struggling through pain, Dedet is still not ready to give birth, so she will have to be induced.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Our Sunday

Close to five in the afternoon, Bang Al came. Then Mom and Dad came, witu Ibu. Kakak, Universal and their family gathered and we ate on the floor, on a Persian rug incapable of holding twenty people. It's okay, neither could the family room. Everybody came, including the little ones, all the small kids of Kakak. We joked about Little Indira who still refused to "pop out" even when everybody is already present. Everybody congratulated the mother on her birthday. Then, with a full stomach, everybody said goodbye, preparing themselves for a bright and early Monday. We said goodbye and finished cleaning up just before nine. I said to my love, this is wonderful. A full dinner and still time to kick back before going to bed early. Taking a late shower, I thought about my friends I didn't get to see these few months and wished them all a good weekend. I wish, in any way, they all feel as blessed as I am right now.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The working people

Being ping ponged back and forth, I found myself back in respect to those people who get up and work and do something for themselves and others. My hats to you people. It's afternoon time, I hope you're out there, and knowing this, feeling happy and proud of yourselves.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My believe

My beliefs don't require me to discriminate, hate other people.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Keepin' it real

Not a fan of posting lyrics, but the timing listening the music was coincidental and powerful, thought I'd share it just as well. Plus, I'm in the phase where I, following my Dad, have the fullest respect to "the working men"
Friends, out there, even ones being kicked around by deadlines, here's happy thoughts to you.
Keepin' it Real

Uh- thats right
Reality check
You kno what I mean
Street lifes eh
Scorpion yeah uh

When I was young
I use to dream of being rich
Have alot of houses and cars
Couldn't know which one was which
And finding me a chick and getting hitched
Living the fairy tale life perfect without a ditch
You think that this would bring me happiness
If at the end of every rainbow
There was a treasure chest
Sometimes having more is really less
So take a look inside yourself
You'll realize you're really blessed
No matter how you're sad and blue
There's always someone who has it worse than you
Sometimes you gotta pay your dues
So don't worry just push on through

Keep'n it real
Gotta big up all my peoples who be working on the future
Though they know they gotta struggle
Keep'n it real
To all my homies working on the 9 to 5
And doing right to keep themselves up out of trouble
Keep'n it real
Although sometimes I know it seems impossible
There ain't no need in drowning in your sorrows
Keep'n it real
If things are as bad as they can be
You can be sure there'll be a brighter tomorrow

And I forgot to have myself the house, the mansion, and the Benz
I'm not the type of brother who be making mad ends
I got myself a girl but we be kickin' it as friends
Is not enough for me now that depends
Again- not everthing you want is everything you really need
The standard of society is more devated by greed
Are you prepared to follow
Tell me are you prepared to lead
So persevere and you'll suceed

Keep'n it real
Gotta big up all my peoples who be working on the future
Though they know they gotta struggle
Keep'n it real
To all my homies working on the 9 to 5
And doing right to keep themselves up out of trouble
Keep'n it real
Although sometimes I know it seems impossible
There ain't no need in drowning in your sorrows
Keep'n it real
If things are as bad as they can be
You can be sure there'll be a brighter tomorrow

All the harsh realities
Appears to come in twos and threes
Don't worry cuz
There'll be a better day
One thing I can promise you
Just keep on keeping on
I swear to you
There's gonna be a brighter day

Back in the days
I use to dream of being rich
Have alot of houses and cars
Couldn't know which one was which
And finding me a chick and getting hitched
Living the fairy tale life perfect witout a ditch
You think that this would bring me happiness
If at the end of every rainbow there was a treasure chest
Sometimes having more is really less
So take a look inside yourself
You'll realize you're really blessed
No matter how you're sad and blue
There's always someone who has it worse than you
Sometimes you gotta pay your dues
So don't worry just push on through

Keep'n it real
Gotta big up all my peoples who be working on the future
Though they know they gotta struggle
Keep'n it real
To all my homies working on the 9 to 5
And doing right to keep themselves up out of trouble
Keep'n it real
Although sometimes I know it seems impossible
There ain't no need in drowning in your sorrows
Keep'n it real
If things are as bad as they can be
You can be sure there'll be a brighter tomorrow

That's right, see me, yeah
Give thanks fa wha you have, ya kno
And when you think that its bad
There's always somebody that's worse
Kno what I'm sayin'
Give Jah blessing, see me
Wa-wa, Wa-wa
Wa-wa, wa-wa

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Food for braces

Just started to wear braces. My gums and teeth are still adjusting, so they hurt all the time, so I'm taking some ibuprofeins as suggested. Some food to consider : here and here

Suggestions By Category
  • Smooth yogurt, or yogurt without a lot of chunks. You could also take chunky yogurt and puree it in a blender to break down the chunks. Also, try the new yogurt in a tube, available at most grocery stores.
  • Various soft cheeses, such as brie, cottage cheese, and thinly sliced Swiss, cheddar, harvarti, etc.
  • Milk-based drinks
  • Custard
  • Pudding
Breads and Baked Goods
  • Any type of soft bread that does not have seeds, nuts, or pieces of whole grains. If you like whole-wheat bread, look for one that has a smooth texture. Tear off the crust if necessary.
  • Muffins without nuts or chunks
  • Corn bread, corn muffins
  • Soft cakes
  • Tortillas (corn and flour, microwaved or steamed until soft)
  • Pancakes
  • Saltine crackers and matzo are often soft enough to smoosh at the roof of your mouth with your tongue
  • Couscous
  • Quinoa
  • Pasta
  • Noodles
  • Soft-cooked rice, risotto
  • Bulgur
  • Kasha
  • Farro wheat (cooked very soft like risotto)
  • Polenta
  • Matzo balls
  • Grits
Meats and Poultry
  • Soft-cooked chicken
  • Bar-b-que type soft cooked meat
  • Meatloaf
  • Chicken salad
  • Thinly sliced lunch meats
  • Meatballs
  • Many meat recipes that you make in a crock pot or pressure cooker are very tender
  • Chicken nuggets cut into very small pieces
Meat Alternatives
  • Tofu can be made in many ways and is always easy to eat.
  • Soft-cooked fish
  • Fish croquettes (salmon, tuna)
  • Fish loaf (tuna, salmon)
  • Tuna, salmon, or whitefish salad
  • Frozen flavored fish filets
  • Crab cakes
  • Fish sticks (non-crunchy, cut into small pieces)
  • Look in your local grocery store for soups that either don't contain chunks, or have very mushy ingredients.
  • Soft-cooked carrots, squash
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Potato pancakes
  • Smooshed potato salad
  • Cole slaw
  • Spinach or corn soufflé (Stouffer's makes a frozen one)
  • Fresh spinach, chard, kale, or other greens, cooked very soft or steamed and cut up.
  • Avocados, guacamole
  • Salsa (non-chunky)
  • Beans (mashed it necessary)
  • Hummus, various Middle Eastern dips
  • Mashed bananas
  • Applesauce
  • Baked apples
  • Fruit juice, juice smoothies (protein powder can be added)
  • Other ripe fruits that get mushy
  • Ice cream without nuts or chunks, frozen yogurt, sorbet, sherbet, granita
  • Milkshakes, smoothies
  • Most cold drinks make your teeth feel better - iced tea, iced coffee, etc. But be careful not to inadvertently drink too much caffeine!
  • Soft cakes
  • Cheesecake that has been microwaved for 30 seconds to one minute (it gets a bit mushy and easier to eat)
  • Cream pies
  • Jell-O (gelatin)
  • Custard or flan
  • Pudding
Shakes and Bars
  • Protein shakes, Slim Fast, etc.
  • Zone Perfect Bars (when you can chew a little bit. These are the least chewy protein bars I've found so far, with a texture like Rice Krispy Treats).

Suggestions by Meal Type
  • Scrambled eggs. Add cheese for more protein.
  • Frozen cheese blintzes (available in some grocery stores)
  • Hot cereal (oatmeal, cream of wheat, etc)
  • Cold cereal that has gotten mushy with milk
  • Pancakes
  • Soggy waffles
  • Muffins without nuts or chunks
  • Matzo brie - soak a piece of matzo in water until soft, drain water, mix mushy matzo with one or two eggs, fry in butter or cooking spray until mixture is cooked. Serve plain or with cinnamon sugar.
  • Breakfast grits made with milk and butter
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Ramen noodles, chopped up
  • Spaghetti, chopped up. Canned varieties are usually very soft.
  • Tuna or chicken salad
  • Egg salad
  • Cottage cheese
  • Various soups: Miso, egg drop, chicken, etc.
  • Thinly sliced lunch meat, broken into bits
  • Noodle side-dishes (Lipton makes one, for example)
  • Bean and cheese Mexican dishes (burritos, enchiladas, etc) You can find some frozen ones in your grocery store.
  • When eating out, look for dishes that obviously have soft foods, and no nuts or hard-to-chew chunks.
  • Quiche
  • Meatloaf
  • Shepard's pie
  • Soft cooked fish - steamed or simmered is usually best. Or fish cakes/croquettes.
  • Bean and cheese enchiladas or burritos
  • Chili (mash it up if necessary)
  • Sloppy Joes. Try making them with various sauces for more variety, such as bottled Indian sauces, Creole sauces, or your favorite marinating sauce. Substitute ground chicken or turkey for variety. A great BBQ chicken sloppy joe uses boneless chicken thighs. Mince in a food processor until they are a gooey mess, then fry it in a pan until it looks like ground chicken. Add BBQ sauce and cook down -- on soft bread they are easily eaten by semi-chewers. Non-chewers can cut it up with a fork into small bites.
  • Cooked steak, shredded in a food processor. Top with caramelized onions and/or shredded cheese (or a dipping sauce - BBQ, Teriyaki, etc.) and it becomes a shredded hot salad.
  • Pasta, ravioli
  • Asian fried rice or noodles with tiny bits of meat and soft veggies
  • Lasagna
  • Enchilada Pie (layers of corn tortillas, beans, cheese, and sauce. Add bits of meat if desired)

Friday, May 30, 2008

7 steps toward love

I read this from PickTheBrain

1. Cultivate gratitude

Gratitude makes us feel happier. If you remember to be grateful for the blessings of your life, you start to feel more connected to yourself and others. When you let go of niggles and embrace gratitude instead, love springs up.

2. Reality-test your fear

Sometimes fear can be like a cloud that keeps out the sunlight. Then everything feels huge and oppressive. A simple way to deal with fear is to test its reality. Write down three things that you are afraid of. Then look at each point and ask yourself, “Is this fear really grounded in reality?” I know that when I do this, I often find that my fears are unfounded. It’s like living in a shadow-land, peering into the future and expecting bad things to happen.

3. Take action

Fear is often born out of inaction. For example, if you get a sense that your health is impaired, but you don’t check it out with a doctor, you may start to imagine that you are heading for a major health crisis. (I could fill a whole notebook with illnesses I once thought I had - but never actually got!) Once you’ve been to a doctor and reviewed the problems, the steps towards renewed health may seem much more manageable.

Taking action is the best antidote to fear. Once you start to address the issues one by one, fears shrink and may even disappear.

4. Cultivate friendships

Good friends are important because they teach us to love. It’s often much easier to love a good friend than it is to love and forgive our partner. Friends are lasting companions in life. It’s good to talk with them when we feel afraid. They can give us a fresh perspective on what is troubling us.

5. Be generous

In the quote above, John McMurray points out that fear-determined people have no sun in themselves and “go about putting out the sun in other people.” Fear makes us narrow-minded and we tend to put down others. Here is how I deal with that: when I notice I’m getting negative, I put a small pebble into one of my pockets. Each time I catch myself using a put-down, I quietly shift the pebble into the other pocket and say to myself kindly, “Well, maybe I can say that differently next time.”

6. Practise kindness

Kindness is ‘love-in-action’. It’s good to make a habit of it. The trick is to notice what people need. Here is an example: yesterday I was talking to a stall-holder at a farmers’ market who fashions wooden spoons. He saw that I was carrying a bag of luscious, fresh corncobs. He said, “Oh, they look nice!” Then he sighed, “Oh well, by the time I’ve finished selling at my stand they’ll have all gone.” I offered to get some for him. It was a small action but it made us both feel good. Try and spot one occasion each day when you can be of help.

7. Open your awareness

Fear tends to make us focus inwards. A way out of is to do the opposite and open your awareness to include everything around you. For example, if you notice anxious thoughts, open you mind and listen to sounds around you. Maybe you can hear birdsong, or traffic noise, or children playing. This has an instant calming effect and fear wanes.

If you follow these 7 tips, you’ll move towards more love and less fear in your life. Soon you will notice an upsurge of happiness and contentment, instead of fear and anxiety.

What is your experience of living with love or with fear? Maybe you could share your special way of inviting love into your life and saying ‘good-bye’ to fear?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Blues how are you

I remembered touching a heavy book telling me about the blues in 1994, 14 years ago. It created a large influence on me (including the movie crossroad. I thought I'd always associate the blues with those experience.
Recently, I heard Clapton's From the Cradle album. This time, I've lost that feeling. Then again, I've lost my guitar a couple of years back. I didn't realize when, why or how I lost "the guitar", I just hope gaining it back is possible.

Travel cheap in Asia? Indonesia

This site sort the cheapest country to travel.
1. Indonesia
2. India
3. Bhutan
4. Laos
5. Nepal

Monday, May 19, 2008

Perjuangan kemerdekaan

Menonton film dokumenter di TVRI (masih berlangsung), aku malu pada sumbanganku terhadap negara ini. Sejauh ini yang kusampaikan hanyalah keluhan saja, apa yang belum kudapat, apa yang seharusnya kudapat lebih banyak.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Wiki site for

"Website Wiki Asuh Indonesia adalah yaitu Wiki yang membahas mengenai pengasuhan anak dan topik terkait.

Wiki adalah website berisi kumpulan artikel yang bebas diedit, ditambahkan, dan dibuat oleh siapa saja. Jadi, anda bisa turut berpartisipasi menyumbangkan pengetahuan anda ke dalam artikel2 di website ini"

Sunday, May 11, 2008


With his charism, Nagabonar reached a famed success. The movie showed Nagabonar get carried away and lost his faithful companion, Bujang. The movie and it's sequel showed his regret to Bujang's death, but during Bujang's life, Nagabonar showed little or no effort to ensure Bujang's wellbeing. I felt little compassion during his remorse. Most of the audience laughed.
Nagabonar threw his defence "sudah kubilang...".
Kudos for the implicit cheek kissing scene, it's more romantic.


Wednesday, May 07, 2008

OMG pt 2

The writer I told you earlier, she wrote songs for Halmahera.
This is me.. dropping dead.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

7 pains you shouldn't ignore

For Mia (also everybody), these are some pains you shouldn't ignore.

"Pain or Discomfort in the Chest, Throat, Jaw, Shoulder, Arm, or Abdomen: Chest pain could be pneumonia or a heart attack. But be aware that heart conditions typically appear as discomfort, not pain. "Don't wait for pain," says cardiologist Jerome Cohen, MD. "Heart patients talk about pressure. They'll clench their fist and put it over their chest or say it's like an elephant sitting on their chest."

The remaining pains you shouldn't ignore include everything from burning feet and calf pain to abdominal and back pain. At each point, the article highlights what kind of pains in each area should be considered out of the ordinary, pointing out what they could indicate and why you shouldn't ignore it. If you are, or someone you know is an ignore-it-and-it'll-go-away type who's suffered consequences like those mentioned in the article, let's hear your experience in the comments." []

Enjoying black tea and green tea

"Experts say that you should use boiling water for black tea. For more delicate green or white tea, Sebastian Beckwith, co-founder of the Connecticut-based specialty-tea seller In Pursuit of Tea, suggests letting the water cool for a few minutes. "You lose a lot of flavor if you put boiling water on white or green tea," he says."

Monday, April 07, 2008

Enjoy Coca Cola (and Pepsi)

"Karena eh karena.. meruusak pikiiraaan."

See also: PepsiCo - Criticisms
Pepsi was banned from import in India in 1970 for having refused to release the list of its ingredients. In 1988, the ban was lifted, with Pepsi arriving on the market shortly afterwards.[13] However, this was the European standard for water, not for other drinks. The presence of these products could provoke cancers, negatively affect the nervous and immune systems, and cause birth defects. No law bans the presence of pesticides in drinks in India. In 2003 and again in 2006,[14] the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), a non-governmental organization in New Delhi, found that soda drinks produced by manufacturers in India, including both Pepsi and Coca-Cola, had dangerously high levels of pesticides in their drinks. Both PepsiCo and The Coca-Cola Company maintain that their drinks are safe for consumption and have published newspaper advertisements that say pesticide levels in their products are less than those in other foods such as tea, fruit and dairy products.[15] In the Indian state of Kerala, sale and production of Pepsi-Cola, along with other soft drinks, has been banned.[16] Five other Indian states have announced partial bans on the drinks in schools, colleges and hospitals.[17] On September 22, 2006, the High Court in Kerala overturned the Kerala ban ruling that only the federal government can ban food products.[18]

Use of stimulants in formula
The beverage was named Coca-Cola because, originally, the stimulant mixed in the beverage was coca leaves from South America, which the drug cocaine is derived from. In addition, the drink was flavored using kola nuts, also acting as the beverage's source of caffeine.[14] Pemberton called for five ounces of coca leaf per gallon of syrup, a significant dose, whereas, in 1891, Candler claimed his formula (altered extensively from Pemberton's original) contained only a tenth of this amount. Coca-Cola did once contain an estimated nine milligrams of cocaine per glass, but in 1903 it was removed.[15] After 1904, Coca-Cola started using, instead of fresh leaves, "spent" leaves - the leftovers of the cocaine-extraction process with cocaine trace levels left over at a molecular level.[16][17] To this day, Coca-Cola uses as an ingredient a non-narcotic coca leaf extract prepared at a Stepan Company plant in Maywood, New Jersey.[18][19] In the United States, Stepan Company is the only manufacturing plant authorized by the Federal Government to import and process the coca plant.[20]

Enjoy Coca Cola

Use of stimulants in formula

The beverage was named Coca-Cola because, originally, the stimulant mixed in the beverage was coca leaves from South America, which the drug cocaine is derived from. In addition, the drink was flavored using kola nuts, also acting as the beverage's source of caffeine.[14] Pemberton called for five ounces of coca leaf per gallon of syrup, a significant dose, whereas, in 1891, Candler claimed his formula (altered extensively from Pemberton's original) contained only a tenth of this amount. Coca-Cola did once contain an estimated nine milligrams of cocaine per glass, but in 1903 it was removed.[15] After 1904, Coca-Cola started using, instead of fresh leaves, "spent" leaves - the leftovers of the cocaine-extraction process with cocaine trace levels left over at a molecular level.[16][17] To this day, Coca-Cola uses as an ingredient a non-narcotic coca leaf extract prepared at a Stepan Company plant in Maywood, New Jersey.[18][19] In the United States, Stepan Company is the only manufacturing plant authorized by the Federal Government to import and process the coca plant.[20]

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Latest news on susu


Badan Penelitian dan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan (BPPOM) Kota Padang memastikan kematian Duta (20 hari) bukan disebabkan keracunan susu, melainkan karena tersedak.

Any business related to Sari Husada should be in relief.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Morning sickness explained by evolution expert

On an episode of Michio Kaku's explorations, an evolution expert explains that morning sickness is the reaction of the fetus of the mother's diet. Adults are well adapted with toxic contents in their diets. Fetuses aren't built with that, so they would have to undergo that process of adaptation .

Monday, March 31, 2008

Shortest distance between two points

Is not a line. That only applies in a 3D world. The shortest distance between two points is a wormhole (M.Kaku)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Life flashes on Vocalizing by Gita Gutawa

In a short song, my life flashed before my eyes. How hard it was for us to cross this line, to bash ourselves back into the same jungle everybody had 5 years ago. How awful was I that I needed 5 years to get here? Maybe some part of me is better prepared than some people, but I couldn’t help wondering why. Poor G, she had to be there when it all happenned.

Now I understand some part of it, why it was comfortable for most people to stay employed.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Little Indira month 6

LI sekarang lebih sering ganggu Mamanya di sore hari, banyak sekali kegiatannya. BAP (Bapak, Ayah atau Papa *belum ditentukan) baru menyesuaikan diri dengan mandi air dingin lagi, pagi2 tanpa 2 telur rebus, pergi lebih pagi dan no pool access. On the upside, BAP gets to hear G's kids (all of her sister's kids are hers by law of Minang) in the morning, 2 houses away.

Friday, March 14, 2008

rp. 1/kb murah?

aku lebih banyak menggunakan internet daripada sms di hp. kenapa? karena teman2ku dpt dihubungi via email, dan menurutku sms itu terlalu mahal.
Menjelang tidur aku menghitung lagi. IM3 menagih rp. 1 per kb. Tarif ini kelihatannya murah. Berarti 1 MB itu 1000 dan 1 GB itu sejuta. Tapi aku juga berlangganan IM2. Paket 1,2 GB itu 350 ribu, sepertiga biaya di IM3. Paket IM2 dg kapasitas lebih tinggi juga lebih murah per kb. Ini lebih mending, karena speedy 200 untuk 1 GB. Berarti tdk worth sekali paket personal itu, karena speednya rendah dibandingkan hsdpa.
Sebel sama tarif mahal ini, tapi tidak ada yg dapat aku lakukan, posisiku sgt lemah.

Ciri-ciri anak 90 dari Sari

Sari ( mencantumkan ciri-ciri anak 90an. Dari mana dia tahu sih? Dia kan belum lahir :D?
Ya olooh, Sar, kreatif banget sih lu. Jadi copywriter aja gih sana.

Jubing nanti sore main di Four Seasons.

Yang suka suara gitar nilon. Jubing itu termasuk gitaris Indonesia yang jago mainnya. Dia punya lagu2 yang biasa kita dengar sehari2 di album terakhirnya.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Menjelang Little Indira

Menjelang Little Indira:
Kita pindah ke Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur.
Aku mulai bekerja (daily), entry level di market research senin depan. Selain untuk financing kepindahan kita, juga memberikan corporate experience untukku, memberikan exposure terhadap industri fmcg dari sudut pandang marketing, semoga membantuku untuk lebih mengerti industri secara umum melalui pengalaman yang lebih hands on. Kupikir-pikir, selain trading, situasi seperti inilah yang menarik bagiku. Dan aku berkesempatan untuk memulai dalam lingkungan yang sangat welcome dan helpful. Semoga aku punya kapasitas untuk karir di bidang ini.
Paramadina akan menawarkanku kelas tutorial kognitif bila ada yang buka. Mereka tetap menerimaku dengan jadwal yang lebih sempit. Still crossing my finger untuk Pancasila, Ya Wa.
Penelitianku yang terbengkalai. Terakhir kali bertemu Pak Adler Manurung, belum berhasil menentukan item kuesioner. Aku juga telat dua minggu untuk mengirimkan draft kuesioner dari thesis. Jadi malu sama beliau. Pengen belajar nulis sih, kaya'nya itu membutuhkan keahlian yang tinggi sekali.
Aku juga akan mencoba lagi untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi wmi. Tidak begitu pasti kegunaan praktisnya dalam jangka waktu yang dekat. So far, membantu menerjemahkan Bodie's Investment untuk Erlangga (thanks, Bim) membantuku mengingat2 kembali bahan kuliah dulu.
Rumah sakit: So far, rumah sakit Asih kelas II menarik bagi kami. JMC juga nggak begitu mahal. Sayangnya, Harapan Bunda Kramat Jati justru mahal. Kita belum terima ACA Igm dari Pramita Mampang, untuk bahan konsul ke dokter di JMC.
Something I miss are friends to share this with. Tapi sulit juga, semua lagi nggak available.
Aku jadi tambah kagum sama orang-orang yang bekerja keras dan berusaha dengan tekun. Seharusnya ada pahala yang bersifat universal (berlaku di semua agama) untuk effort bekerja atau belajar dengan tekun. Ada sesuatu yang indah dari hal tersebut. Aku hanya bisa kagum dari sudut pandang penonton, karena rasanya aku tidak tekun.

Anyway, berdebar-debar menjelang LI.