Thursday, October 02, 2008

Just the Two of Us

Adih dedicated a song for me (
I like this song, Dih. I think every father would. It's strong and macho, but also sensitive. This should explain why there is no limit and no value to what a Dad would sacrifice for his son.
I decided to explain how the lyrics explain my (and other Dad's) feeling. When I wrote this, tears kept running. I felt so much truth in those tears.

From the first time the doctor placed you in my arms
I knew Id meet death before Id let you meet harm
==Exactly what I thought. Literally. Should Little Indira said so at that time, I would quit my job and just look at him forever. Thank God babies can't talk.

Although questions arose in my mind would I be man enough
Against wrong choose right and be standin up
==This is my primary fear. I feared this even before getting married, Tusi would vouch for it (

People drivin all fast got me kinda upset
Got you home safe placed you in your basonette
==I believe my thoughts were, "This is MY kid, you idiot!"

That night I dont think one wink I slept
==We started raising him on Ravi's second night. It was Hell, I couldn't sleep. That night, Dedet stop sleeping like a human and started sleeping like a Mom (I think the word Mom should be written with capital M, always). I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Touched your head gently felt my heart melt
Cause I know I loved you more than life itself
Then to my knees and I begged the lord please
Let me be a good daddy all he needs
Love knowledge discipline too
I pledge my life to you
==This fills all my attention. I know no other knowledge other than this now, everything else just blurr. Please, Lord.

Sometimes I wonder what you gonna be
A general a doctor maybe a mc
==Dedet and I ponder this all the time

Haha I wanna kiss you all the time
But I will touch that butt when you cut outta line trudat
==I started disciplining Ravi way before his first month. He will stop sucking his hands; lift his behind to easen my changing his diapers,; give me his right arm, left arm, right leg and left leg; easen his tantrum; be very tolerant to uncomfortable condition when I ask him, too. I respect him for that, I think he notices my respect. I feel his and my tolerance can compliment each other. If I'm stuck with something, I'll let him know. If he doesn't know the answer to specific technical analysis, which bacteries causes typhoid, what does the tenth dimension form like or who really started killing in the name of God, he would easen my tension so I would at least come to temporarily acceptable answers.
I don't like it when he test his Mom's tolerance. That's where I draw the line. I don't think twice, it's always his fault and he should pay for it.

I pledge to you I will always do
Everything I can
Show you how to be a man
Dignity integrity honor
==Dad's would try to implant some virtue that he holds dearly, just as Ravi's own consideration. He may choose his own when he wants, too. I hope honesty, integrity, honor and dignity will stay.

And I don't mind if you lose long as you came with it
And you can cry aint no shame it it
==I would make this a point. The strongest human cries, she still stays tough

One day some girls gonna break your heart
And ooh aint no pain like from the opposite sex
Gonna hurt bad but dont take it out on the next son
==He may pick his mistakes, I will try to hold his hand on this. His Dad had it pretty easy, that's no contest.

Throughout life people will make you mad
Disrespect you and treat you bad
Let God deal with the things they do
Cause hate in your heart will consume you too
==Ravi, you should hold this dearly

Always tell the truth say your prayers
Hold doors pull out chairs easy on the swears
Youre living proof that dreams do come true
I love you and Im here for you
==These are some virtues I teach him. I believe white lies are just lies. LI was born on our 5th anni, he shines our life. I'd like him to enlighten others as well as be a good friend. I'm sure he will be smart, he has fantastic genes.

Thank you, Adih.

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