Thursday, December 22, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Exiled from your last defense post
When you lose your family, you turn on your job, or what's left of it. When there's nothing left there, it really is a small world. You'd grasp any friendly gesture left. Whatever goes.
Two lost souls meet together, nature still have some compassion left. Boy leads girls confidently, not knowing what's in front. Don't worry, he says, everything will be fine. Girl believes anything as long as they're together. That's what love should be.
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Sudah 3 tahun ya, Nak?
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Fotonya waktu masih kecil |
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1 month old |
Mungkin kalau ditanya aku akan banyak mengeluh karena dia nakal, lambat bicara, belum juga hafal alfabet, masih minta digendong. Tapi sebenarnya aku bangga padanya, bangga sekali. Bangga karena apa yang dapat dilakukannya, bangga pada inisiatifnya, bangga hanya karena ia masih berdiri dan berlari-lari sesukanya. Rasanya apapun yang dilakukannya, kentut sekalipun, reaksi pertamaku adalah bangga. Sudah lepas masanya aku selalu takut, takut dia kekurangan darah, kekurangan makan, kurang beratnya, tidak cukup tinggi, belum pandai berdiri. Sekarang aku sudah sering membiarkannya pergi semaunya, berinteraksi dengan sebanyak mungkin orang, tabrakan dengan orang asing di mal. Sudah masanya untuknya menapak kaki dan mulai menorehkan namanya di dunia ini.
Sekarang adalah waktunya aku mulai khawatir. Khawatir, bukan takut. Mungkin beda istilah, tapi sebenarnya tidak jauh berbeda. Kalau takut itu waktu dia masih kecil, kebanyakannya berhubungan dengan fungsi fisiknya sebagai manusia, yang kalau tidak dipenuhinya, aku merasa takut ia akan cacat. Sekarang khawatir, usianya sedikit lebih besar, tapi tetap saja sebenarnya belum bisa ditinggal sendiri. Belum bisa tidur sendiri, belum bisa mandi sendiri, belum bisa buang air sendiri.
1,5 yo |
2,5 yo |
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Potty seat, Thou are so useful. Bisa nyungsep pantat anakku kalau tidak ada dikau. |
Rasanya, sebagai orang tua, khawatir itu adalah resiko pekerjaan sekaligus hak yang bisa kunikmati karena menjadi orang tua. Kadang khawatir itu adalah beban, tapi kadang itu terasa sebagai reward.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
How to kill time
1. Reevaluate your daily plan. You can check if any was left out.
2. Observe your sorrounding. One form of learning is vicarious learning. That's when you get to learn from other people's experience.
3. Breathing. You may not notice it, but diffent forms of breathing affect you phisically and emotionally.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Train and Sand Kit Sets
Problem was, the weren't enough space for the set.
So he cried. Hey, he's just a kid.
Dad came to the rescue. Why not this formation, Son? I noticed one of the train piece was missing. I couldn't find Ravi, too.
I couldn't find him. He was busy getting something for the missing train piece. The fourth piece of the train set was getting its load :)
There you are |
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Culture shock
Let's start the *ss kicking. ;)
Saturday, September 03, 2011
What is it about numbers that is so attention grabbing? I was starting a car when it reads 17:17, I just stopped and had to write something.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Are you celebrating Idul Fitri now?
Whenever you want to celebrate it, have a Happy Idul Fitri. Hope your Ramadhan was insightful.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Present yourself
I read this book on Steve Jobs' presentation skills
- Headline
- Passion Statement
- Three Key Messages
- Metaphors And Analogies
- Demonstrations
- Partners
- Customer Evidence And Third-Party Endorsements
- Video Clips
- Flip Charts, Props, And Show-And-Tell
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Just throw it (hiccup) away!
Everytime he had the hiccup, he would gesture throwing something out of his mouth and yell "Buang aja," or "Just throw it away". He was angry, and his shortened tolerance just gave way to more hiccup and more yelling. G and I were too busy laughing, but I remembered something and quickly caught him on tape (well, not tape per se, nobody uses tape these days; I recorded it) and sent the video to some witness to ensure a mighty humiliation in the future :D (poor kid).
After it went away, I quickly looked it up. Do you know there are 250 cures for hiccup? I will never look at hiccup the same way again.
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
Spending time commuting
I don't have the necessary ability to be able to commute anymore, that's why I always have the profound respect to commuters. It's the waiting that I can't understand, but that's just me.
Here are some of the things that you can do while waiting:
- Wall yourself with a pair of headphones. When your sorrounding is barely acceptable and you just can't wait to get there. Watch your bag, though.
- A good read. If you like to read, you can easily be flown elsewhere. It doesn't have to be a book, it can be your favorite RSS reader or ebook reader. I don't really understand fiction, but RSS can waste hours for me. You can be reading just about anything very seriously, so it's easy to spend many time. If you're using a screen instead of a paper, be mindful or the contrast ratio.
- Hum. No, you don't have to start a tune, dance with a suddenly sorrounding mob and run around in the rain. You can still have that in your head though, but keep your feet and those around you dry.
- Games. You can even be entertaining to those around you.
- Photo crazy. There's Picplz, MyTubo or Instagram. It's easier to take pictures and there are many filters to choose. Go crazy.
Monday, August 08, 2011
The next time you hear/read someone says something like "Sometimes.." or "Somewhere..", make sure to ask, "When?" or "Where?" and push them to be specific. It's easy to appear wise when you're vague. Probe them to be concise, "What exactly do you mean?"
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Tulisan yang Menarik
Tulisan yang menarik tidak hanya bergantung pada informasi yang kita berikan, tapi juga cara kita menyampaikan informasi tersebut.
Dalam keseharian, mungkin kita kerap punya waktu yang sempit untuk menulis mengenai hal tertentu. Saya belum menemukan tips yang dapat digunakan untuk semua jenis tulisan, tapi tips di bawah ini dapat digunakan untuk berbagai macam tulisan.
- Judul yang menarik perhatian
- Pilihlah kata-kata yang tidak terlalu rumit dan teknikal, dengan demikian akan lebih banyak lagi orang yang dapat memahami tulisan tersebut
- Gunakan kalimat yang pendek dan sederhana. Informasi yang menarik adalah informasi yang dapat dimengerti dengan mudah