Saturday, August 13, 2011

Just throw it (hiccup) away!

Little Indira had a hiccup just now. Not unusual. It's just that now that he's more assertive and articulative, he had a new reaction to it.
Everytime he had the hiccup, he would gesture throwing something out of his mouth and yell "Buang aja," or "Just throw it away". He was angry, and his shortened tolerance just gave way to more hiccup and more yelling. G and I were too busy laughing, but I remembered something and quickly caught him on tape (well, not tape per se, nobody uses tape these days; I recorded it) and sent the video to some witness to ensure a mighty humiliation in the future :D (poor kid).
After it went away, I quickly looked it up. Do you know there are 250 cures for hiccup? I will never look at hiccup the same way again.

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