Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Agi.. Agi

Some days ago a person regularly called my phone, insisting on talking to someone else, a person called Agi. on the first and second call, i tried to convinced her. But this person was hard-headed, and that's why I enjoyed talking to her. On our last attempt, I told her to meet with Agi and get his phone number.
+Nomernya berapa sih?
+Kamu terakhir kali nelpon Agi kapan (jangan2 nomer gue curian lagi.. tapi kan gue beli baru?)
-Ng, teman gue sih minggu lalu katanya nelpon Agi.
+Berarti kamu belum pernah nelpon Agi?
-Belum (mulai nggak pd)
+(Kasihan, tapi jengkel) Lain kali kamu ketemu Agi, tanya nomer telponnya ya
-Iya deh (koin abis) udah dulu ya
+Ya (udah dulu? aneh banget)
This morning, she called me (for the last time?) to "report" that she DID get Agi's number wrong. Mind you it was NOT EVEN CLOSE to my number!!
-9200nya sudah bener sih, tapi belakangnya..
+Jauh amat (nggak mirip banget sama nomer gue?!)
-Iya gue salah denger. Maaf ya
+Ya udah (lucu juga, sportif dan honorable). Udah ya.

Lucunya, G bilang dia juga ada yang salah telpon. Cewek itu, tanyaku? Suara cowo, katanya.

Jangan-jangan si Agi, lagi.

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